Monday, February 22, 2016

So I see Jason Dalton exercised his 2nd Amendment Rights

Here we go again . . . 6 dead in Michigan. Jason had no priors and had a gun, one would assume legally. So lets see here, if the victims were armed they'd be alive some would say. I 'd say it looked like he would have gotten the drop on them. something gotta be done folks to stop this carnage.

1 comment:

  1. Loved meeting up with you. This is Pooh. Thanks for your time and I'd love a copy of your next work!!!!!!!!!!! The readings were spellbinding though some are not going to get it. as you said "we live in a stupid world' Curt.


While our Attention is on Foreign Wars

the killings continue in the good old United States. Will provide another installment of People Shooter soon enough.