Thursday, November 15, 2012

Answer #45 How come you're still alive?

I was conducting a safety trainer at a college in Winona for educators regarding school shootings. Some of my former mates from high school actually felt that I died or something.

Nope, I assured them that I was actually somehow still alive. With a little, well I guess, a lot of luck, big time luck, I'm still living an breathing. I like to experiance stuff, the kinda stuff where you have to bounce over fences and ignore "Keep Out" signes. I like to step away from the safety of crowds and step out on the ledge and let fear and loathing morph into some kind of "WOW" rush! Actually I think most folks should avoid this kinda of stuff. A guy got blown off this ledge and killed 10 days before yours truly showed up. This also is a drop dead sure way to totally get bitched out by your wife.

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