Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Ever Notice?

When it rains it pours and sure enough reporters remind us not to drive in standing water - right? Problem is . . . in the background there are always cars pounding through the water. Call me slightly stunned.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Sergeant John Toombs

Declaring War is a whole lot easier than ending the Conflict. Think his father is going to have an easy time finding justice for John? The VA is already circling the wagons. To think, this man gave his life for America. Ever wonder where the inspiration for 'Bee Killer' came from?

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

War & The Truth

In all of human history only 28 days involved world-wide peace. The best defense to war involves Truth. Enough said?

Friday, July 27, 2018

MacGyver - Blue Bloods - FBI - NCIS

So what do these programs plus James Corden all have in common? They are all put together under the auspices of this gentleman. The one in the suit. Richard Boeth. This photo was taken somewhere under the tall buildings of New York City.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Cork O'Connor

Hung-out with Cork, or should I say William Kent Krueger? His protagonist was named Cork because of his ability to keep raising after suffering setbacks. Onward to Eau Claire and The Summer Readers Fest. You keep reading and we'll keep writing.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Thank you for reaching out about The Passionate Jihadist—it looks interesting! If you will send the first five chapters as a word document or PDF email attachment in reply to this message, we will review and get back to you in two to three weeks with our thoughts.

I guess I could consider myself fortunate to have Literary Agents expressing interest in my third novel. Fingers crossed! I'd love to make the most out of the opportunity to work with industry professionals.

Monday, July 23, 2018

War or Peace

Man . . . once just once . . . can't we consider an issue like this from every point of view. I feel like I'm locked in the One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest story but at least I tried. Dammit I tried.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Brian Klems

Many words of encouragement from both sides! Hung-out with Brian Klems of the Writers Digest.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

The Bee Killer

My latest effort at story-telling is called The Bee Killer. Beta Readers have been loving it. The Passionate Jihadist has been winning awards including The Society of Women's Readers Award. I gotta say it's been a great run to date!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

We Learn Together

Many, many thanks go out to the Bozeman Reader's Society. If you need additional copies of my two previously published stories contact me. Remember to keep that finger pointed towards a better tomorrow. I love Montana and shall return.

Monday, July 9, 2018

He's Back!

#1  The Passionate Jihadist   

by Curt Rude

Visit Curt's pages:

Read a sample of  The Passionate Jihadist

Judge's comment:  “The Passionate Jihadist is a very engaging look into the world of a young Afghani boy as he navigates the dangers of the world around him both in the specific sense of the war-torn country he lives in and the more universal dangers readers can relate to in regard to bullying and resisting authority.”

Sunday, June 3, 2018


Headed your way. Be outta touch for a bit readers. Best way to be a great writer is to be a great listener and I plan on doing plenty of it in Livingston!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Milwaukee Police vs Sterling Brown

Six things here . . .

1) Why so many months for the video to come out?
2) Why don't the cops turn off the camera before the beating?
3) How many lies were givin' to explain the beating before the truth (video) came out?
4) How many cops it take to beat a guy properly?
5) They know this guy had enough money to make an issue out of this?

Five Issues, not six, just kidding!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018


16 Dead - 38 Wounded in the latest Taliban Bombing in Afghanistan, least we forget.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Bassem Youssef

In his book 'Revolution for Dummies' Mr. Youssef writes . . . "I interviewed people at Trump rallies who believe that there are at least thirty-five to forty ISIS training camps inside the United States, all sanctioned by the black Muslim president." Is Obama a Muslim?

Monday, May 21, 2018

Safer to Soldier than be a Student

29 murdered in U.S. Schools so far in 2018 . . . 13 killed in the Military. Not much to report on school murders in the Middle East. The Taliban struck and killed 141 in Pakistan a couple of years ago. Man . . . we live in a pathetic time . . . when young men can scoot into schools and kill unarmed boys and girls. Ain't no honor to be found here.

Shots fired, People dead

in Minneapolis this time. Can you believe it?