Sunday, March 16, 2014

Totally grossed out but thought of Brand of Justice with this picture!

A reader sent me this. Thanks for thinking of my story. Agreed, totally grossed out. Be one of the first three to name the possum based on one of Brand of Justice's characters and I'll send you, drum roll please, a copy of my first story JusThis.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Review From United Kingdom

5.0 out of 5 stars Brand of JusticeMarch 15, 2014
This review is from: Brand of Justice: Writing a Wrong, Making it Right! (Paperback)
This book was sent to me by the very kind author to review. Once I got used to the American dialect, I loved this book. It was a very good story, that could so easily have been true. It was well thought out with very good, solid characters. The idea of Tinkey killing his best mate's abuser was brilliant, and then to 'rig' the court case so drastically was a great inclusion. This book had a few surprise twists in the tale and I was encaptured all the way through.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Readers inputting a little fun into a Storyteller's Life.

Found this old mine near Clarkdale Arizona. Shaft was vertical and I had no way of climbing into it to look for unstable dynamite to play with. I thought about Dub Sessions and Tinkey in your book, Brand of Justice and knew they'd haul ass into it.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Glenn Ford

Just received a phone call requesting my thoughts on Glenn. I'm telling ya, read Brand of Justice. I saw the good - the bad - the ugly and stand by everything in  this story. If you immunize your kids for measles or something, then don't you think you need to immunize them from Police Perils? And what is it about you naysayers. Why can't you read some of these links and realize, our system of justice is f'n off?

Roy Huff and Barry Beach and Brand of Justice

Roy Huff who wrote the international bestseller Everville: The First Pillar gave Brand of Justice a 5-star rating and thumbs up review.

Picture of Roy Huff

Also consider a call to action . . . 


I just signed the petition "state of montana: In the Name of Justice, Free Barry Beach" on

It's important. Will you sign it too? Here's the link:



Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Police Perils - How False Confessions Occur Part 3

The Cops us Time against the accused over and over again. Barry Beach was interrogated 7 hours before his 'confession'. One remark taken out of context to feed a Jury. Juries are programmed to love their protectors after watching the good guys catch the scary guys over and over again on TV. So there you have it. Tricky Questions + Phony Displays of Empathy + Using Time to wear 'em out = False Confessions. 44% of juveniles are victims of false confessions. Please. Talk to your kids.

Read and Learn
John Grisham 'The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town'
Curt Rude 'Brand of Justice'
Robert Mayer 'The Dreams of Adda' 

Line Up
Oh . . . isn't this cute. Tricks are even used in lineups. I was a cop in a former life. Guess what, I'm not laughing 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Latest 'Brand of Justice' Review

"Brand of Justice" works on many levels.  The main characters are real; Dub and Tinkey come alive on the pages.  The action begins immediately, pulling Dub, Tinkey, and the reader into a quicksand-filled swamp where right and wrong easily become confused.  The themes of friendship, honor, morality, our legal system, and strong egos fight it out throughout the book.  Mr. Rude keeps the reader in suspense with Tinkey coming up with one surprise after another.  The ending leaves the reader wondering if Tinkey has at last found the elusive sense of justice he has so earnestly sought throughout the novel, or will his secrets eventually destroy him?

Curt, I believe, has found his true story-telling voice in this tale.  I hope there will be many more Rude novels of this caliber.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Love All You Readers!

If it wasn't for readers there'd be no writers. To my readers, I'd love to hear from you. I figure I wrote the story for you and we are partners once you start reading the story.

James Arens
James Arens12:06am Mar 9
just ordered your book off ebay cant wait to get it

Well, I've said all along, you could learn a lot reading Brand of Justice. That being said, I'm thinking Brand of Justice is on the wrong shelf.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Officer Safety + Police Perils = Brand of Justice!

Why write a book? There any money in it? I didn't do it for the money. As a former cop I wasn't ready to just fade away. I have a message for folks from all walks of life. It involves Police Perils. Cops are learning all about 'Officer Safety'. Isn't it about time you and yours learn a thing or two about 'Police Perils?'

In the mean time I've had an absolute blast with readers. I've talked sentence structure with editors and received snail mail. Ohhh . . . saw-eeet! 

Got a card from Denver Colorado this morning.

This is the awesome Mrs Saturn. I'd have never bumped into her if her daughter didn't want to read my book on a flight to Arizona. 

Longtime english instructor/editor who has dealt with my questions mornings, noon and night. 'Hey Bob . . . what's the difference between maybe and may be?' I had a sore back and stormed down to HOM Furniture and picked up a Tempur Pedic and my personal wordsmith helped drag it into my place!
I'll get on all your questions you've been tossing at me regarding Police Perils. I've seemed to struck a nerve. I've proclaimed today as a fun in the snow day cause it's all gonna be water before we know it.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Police Perils-How False Confessions Occur Part 2

Okay, we've considered the carefully crafted question (Do you still beat your wife?) Let's consider this next piece of the equation. The police start displaying patience, empathy and understanding. They'll toss out leading questions. Build rapport even before the tape is rolling. 'You know women . . . ya can't live with 'em, ya can't live without them. Ya know, a man can reach his limit. I understand. So'd ya put her in her place? You're mad right? I understand. So why'd you nail her? Let's talk about that.'

There you go, we are in dangerous territory here. You ever say something you wished you didn't or had comments taken out of context? The accused responds something like this . . . 'Yeah . . . we got into it. I might of hit her.' He's thinking he was slapping her hands back so she couldn't punch him any longer. It doesn't sound like it in court. It's called an admission. Misunderstandings are a terrible thing to overcome. Police Perils are spooky indeed. We'll consider the next piece of the puzzle later.

Praise be to the Montana Innocence Project and Centurion Ministries. They strive to overcome injustices. Thanks for the bumper sticker and button.


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Kansas and Brand of Justice

I was born in Kansas! Love the arm band. What was better? Brew or Book?

Police Perils-How False Confessions Occur Part 1

Police obtain a false confession in Brand of Justice. The Supreme Court has okayed lying on behalf of officers. We've advanced beyond 'Good Cop-Bad Cop' and have other options available for officers. The Reid Technique for example.

Here's how it works. Cop asks . . . 'Do you still beat your wife?' Yes indicates you are still beating your wife. You can't respond that way so you say no. But wait. No connotates that you beat your wife in the past. Then it's too late. There is blood in the water and the uniformed sharks are moving in to gorge on innocents. This is why I'd argue the need to discuss these issues with your children. Most of you would argue that you're on the side of law and order and don't need to consider these issues. Here's to hoping you're right. 

The Reid technique is a method of questioning subjects to try to assess their credibility and to extract confessions of guilt. Supporters argue the Reid technique is useful in extracting information from otherwise unwilling suspects, while critics have charged the technique can elicit false confessions from innocent persons, especially children. Indeed, Reid's breakthrough case resulted in an overturned conviction decades later.[1]
The term "Reid Technique" is a registered trademark of the firm John E. Reid and Associates, which offers training courses in the method they have devised. The technique is widely used by law-enforcement agencies in North America. However it has been widely discredited as it has a long history of eliciting false confessions.[2]

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Barry Beach, The Montana Innocence Project & Brand of Justice

Convicted on the basis of his own confession, Beach has maintained his innocence for decades since giving that confession as a young man under interrogation in Louisiana. We know from experience that false confessions happen: 25% of the 300-plus people later exonerated by DNA evidence falsely confessed or pleaded guilty to crimes they didn't commit. However, the Supreme Court upheld Beach's conviction on the basis of his confession, and the opinion can be read here.

Does this remind you readers of Brand of Justice of anyone? Many thanks for the bumper sticker and button!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Monday, March 3, 2014

Free Copy for Prosecutor Nelsen . . .

Judges are people. Prosecutors are people. Right? Nobody is perfect, thus perhaps, Judges and Prosecutors can boo-boo. So how is it that a kid gets raped. Gets off. But Bill O'Reilly is slanting the story? There were no mistakes made? Nelson won't even respond to questions from people who have questions. Thank goodness for Minnesota Nice because otherwise people would remember her when they cast their votes. Thank you Ms. Nelsen for making me oh so proud of my latest story, Brand of Justice. I'll give you a free copy, Ms. Nelsen, you need to read and learn.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

A Week of Bill O'Reilly-Reviews and On and On

Ignore Brand of Justice at your own peril.I know all about the old 'It'll never happen to me' deal.
I was like you once upon a time.

By Terri on February 22, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition Amazon Verified Purchase
Mr Rude's keen sense for detail has the reader immersed within the scene every step of the way..."Brand of Justice" is going to create a Brobdingnagian impact in the murder/mystery scene! The plot, one thinks at first is spelled out, until ah-ha! Nope, not what you'd expect...there it went and twisted and turned again. Between the completely enthralling storyline and the truth of the matter of things in law enforcement that no one else but Mr Rude has the guts to reveal, "Brand of Justice" is undeniably, hands-down a must read and you won't put it down til you're done!

Bill actually called out a prosecutor for plea bargaining a case down to nothing regarding a child rape case. Good for you Bill.

Friday, February 28, 2014

The O'Reilly Factor & Brand of Justice

I'm not the kinda guy to say I told ya so. Check it out folks, this is from Normal. Click Away I agree. These actions by the players in the system are disgraceful. Now hear this, Michael Vick gets prison time for abusing dogs but then folks walk for raping children. To top it off, the Country Attorney, who works for the people refuses to cooperate and answer simple questions. Now back to Brand of Justice, are ya starting to relate to the comments on the back of the book? A young man called the Justice System an evil puppet show where the prosecutor holds all the strings. I'm getting nervous. Real nervous.


Monday, February 24, 2014

Karen Grossell
Karen wrote: " it available on Amazon in book form yet? I did enjoy your first one but couldn't put the damn thing down once I started it..."

Printed books will be available in a matter of days. Second run is currently being taken care of. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Mother Nature has a Cold-Cold-Heart.

Had to call off The White Pig book signing. What, with ice, winds and snowdrifts it just wasn't meant to be.

After reading Brand of Justice someone out there knows what this snowman's name is. Guesses anyone?

Humbled Cop in a Prior Life. Author currently. My writing involves the Human Animal. Murder-Mayhem and well, you get the picture...