Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Well Said

It is my sincerest wish those who are tiptoeing into a career involving law enforcement get something out of my stories. After being involved in various aspects of public service for 35 years here's to sharing stories that are indeed plausible.

yeah it was my grandpa, but he an Don were good friends. and the realer the better, I want to be prepared for what I am gunna deal with. but hey people are people crazy shit happens everywhere  

Monday, November 17, 2014

Anne Rice and why I Write!

You do have a story inside you; it lies articulate and waiting to be written — behind your silence and your suffering. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Gun Fun and Serious Darren Wilson Issues

Guns can be fun or deadly. Anyways . . . I've been saying all along the Grand Jury will not indict Officer Darren Wilson. They dragged it out this long to let matters chill.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane

This time it's back out West. Brand of Justice takes place in Casper Wyoming after-all.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Are You or Yours the next Lee Wollard?

Prosecutors claim that harsh sentences force plea bargains. This after the system dumped another innocent man behind bars. He dared to think he was innocent.

Friday, November 7, 2014

My Hero? Drum Roll Please . . .

My stories have proved to be right on the mark. How did I manage to pull it off? I lived it. I saw it for what it was. I learned. Now I toss out my stories which reflect the world for what it is, not for how folks want it to be. Remember, live in your dreams, not your past. Beware of those who masquerade as friends. The false prophets. They're out there. The kind of folks who turned in Ann Franks family. The gentleman who betrayed Jesus. It's all about fear and greed. Everyone has to contend with the fear that they do not have as much as their neighbor. My hero? Drum Roll Please . . .

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Oh That Creative Feeling!

Any ideas on what Heavenly Goat Milk Products and Brand of Justice have in common? Creativity my friends. Creativity! More to follow.

Roll in Trash & Smell like Garbage

Ya get the feeling we're really screwed? I mean it was a scary business standing in that old election booth. It was like . . . damned if I do and damned if I don't! Where is decency when ya need it?

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The author of Brand of Justice thanks all for the feedback.

0/27/14                  WYOMING  ?  ?
.. I  always  figured  Wyoming  to  be  a  lots  more  than  a 
place  of  abandoned  mine  shafts  and  rattle  snakes ..
although  the  place  has  plenty  of  both .. etc ..    M.C.S.

Some  of  us  know .. BUT .. what  to  do  about  a  mostly  traitor  crook
Congress .  You  were  1st.  to  point  out  scams  against  John  Paul  I .
No  schools  nor  other  college  people  said  a  thing  !  !

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Many thanks to OCKtv for the lift!

After yesterdays post I needed this boost. Praise be for the young folks delivering this message . . . "The things we get in life make us a living. The things we give to people can make a life. Never look down on anybody unless you're helping them up." Ya can't live your life any better dear friends.

Thanks a Ton! 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Angela Brown versus Prosecutor Misconduct (The Spirit of the Law be Damned)

Shame on us for allowing a Justice System to continue to deliver so much Injustice.

So a desperate mother takes the advice of a doctor and to her relief finds cannabis oil works well in addressing her sons brain injury. She tells teachers who wanted to know why her son was doing so well in school. So lets see here . . . teachers are mandated reporters. Cops are called and the Prosecutor decides to lower the boom and be tough on drugs. Two charges are filed. Angela is facing two years of hard time. 

Oh . . . one wonders if all is well now that an innocent mother is being tormented. It's getting harder to continue to be smug with the knowledge it could never happen to us. Let us not forget, the son, who is back to confronting so much pain and suffering. Shame on this Prosecutor for being so lame as to not being capable of differentiating between The Letter of the Law vs The Spirit of the Law.

Monday, October 27, 2014

ISIS and Thomas Jefferson

Actions speak louder than words. Beheadings and crucifixions are only two examples of the need for separation of church and state. How did the Founding Forefathers arrive at this conclusion back in the colonial times?

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Ottawa Shooting

Here's to hoping the truth doesn't get trumped by political correctness, as the World Community, struggles with a new term - radicalized.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

United Nations and Isis

This just in, the UN suspects Isis of committing war crimes. Them folks are in charge of international peace. I suppose goofballs have a place on the planet but do we have to stick 'em in the UN?

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Fear and Justice do not mix.

So point me in the direction of the few, the proud and the brave, or rather; is it pointless?

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Ghoncheh Ghavami . . . Volleyball & Crimes Against a Regime

Ms Ghavami has been tossed into a Tehran Prison for having it figured a woman could watch a volleyball match. No lawyer and solitary. Take one small step for this woman. It could be a giant step for mankind. Sign her petition. It'll make you feel better than Neil Armstrong.

Click - Sign - Feel Better

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The False Arrest - Prosecutor Misconduct - Wrongful Conviction Challenge

Here's the latest.

False Arrest Margaret Pardez Staten Island settles with Ms Pardez for $80,000. Of course the city did not admit fault or liability in reaching the settlement. So what is one to surmise from this? That the legal system is alive and well in Staten Island? Think again.

Prosecutor Misconduct Rampant Prosecutorial Misconduct I mean, can you believe it?

Wrongful Conviction Scared Yet? Medical Experts claim the injuries occurred before Verez is around. Again the Cameron County Attorney lacked any remorse what-so-ever.

This post is shared in the spirit of Halloween. I'm going to the Halloween Bash dressed up as a Prosecutor. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

As John Cougar sang . . . but ain't this America

Check this out. This lit'le ol' lady has somehow summed up what it's about. After all, the human animal is the only critter more full of BS than the real variety. Her family defended these actions, by the way, saying nothing illegal happened, she has a permit. Never mind any kind of ethical consideration. It's all 'bout taking until ya can take no more.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Flogged by the Media & Jesse Matthew

In regards to yesterdays comments, I get the feeling the media is in the info business with a limited amount of monies and time to toss at stories. Issues are merely touched on and then it's onto something new to toss at the consuming public. Result . . . incomplete, inaccurate (many times) or just plain wrong info being dished up.

So consider your sources before your arrive at an 'informed' opinion.

In the expanding fallout from the arrest of Jesse L. Matthew Jr. in the abduction of Hannah Graham, authorities have agreed to further DNA testing in the case of Randy A. Taylor, convicted in the slaying of Alexis Murphy, a Nelson County teenager who disappeared last year.

Did you folks catch this? Matthews is suspected of being involved with sexually assaulting, disappearance and deaths of numerous women on the east coast. Now we have an individual who was imprisoned for the murder of a gal demanding DNA testing to validate his claim of innocence. Do you ever get the feeling you are being flogged by the reality of these strangely hellish times?


  www.curt-rude.com Cop in a Prior Life. Author currently. My writing involves the Human Animal. Murder-Mayhem and well, you get the picture...