Thursday, February 25, 2016

Headed to Merry Old England

Looks like I may be heading to Cornwall to walk the path of King Arthur. How cool is that? Then we are jumping the channel to see The Church of The Holy Rude!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Stupid World Indeed

Many thanks for the kind words Pooh. Yes, think about it . . . in these times of spree killings, the last one being the Uber Driver in Michigan we have Iowa expanding gun rights. We have people getting personalized hate them Muslim plates in Minnesota and what else? You get the picture.

Loved meeting up with you. This is Pooh. Thanks for your time and I'd love a copy of your next work!!!!!!!!!!! The readings were spellbinding though some are not going to get it. as you said "we live in a stupid world' Curt.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Publishing Offer out of The Blue

Received this today . . . hope you're doing well. Just wanted to circle back with you to see if you're working on a book this year. We'd love to consider your book for a publishing deal. 
One of the biggest reasons our authors choose us as their publisher is the level of cutting edge marketing support we provide to our authors. 

Yes . . . I am currently wrestling with a manuscript. It is a love story with a happy ending or not.

Monday, February 22, 2016

So I see Jason Dalton exercised his 2nd Amendment Rights

Here we go again . . . 6 dead in Michigan. Jason had no priors and had a gun, one would assume legally. So lets see here, if the victims were armed they'd be alive some would say. I 'd say it looked like he would have gotten the drop on them. something gotta be done folks to stop this carnage.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Don't Worry be Happy

Laughing is healthy; it's jogging on the inside! You can learn a lot from a Rodeo Clown.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Donald Trump & Masturbators

Nobody but Nobody readily admit to supporting Trump but - they're out there. It's kinda like the masturbation deal. It's happening but Nobody but Nobody readily admit to partaking in the pastime.
No worries . . . I'm here to call it the way I see it . . . in books and presentations. You've been warned.

Hey now, what's going on here!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Thanks to You know Who

Met up with a soldier fresh out of Afghanistan. Man the stories. I never knew or even heard what a FOP was. I know now. Important stuff for a writer of litary fiction don't ya think? 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Allen Eskens

Very excited to have the opportunity to have lunch with this talented author soon! Check him out at this link . . . Eskens

Until then . . . consider me sequestered at The Frontanac Writers Retreat. No cells. Not much by way of emails. Only writing my dear friends. Only writing. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

What is the most Important Attribute to being a Writer?

I suppose this is truly a personal choice to be sure. My driver or push to complete a story comes from my firsthand experiences and a desire, a true desire, to be a part of the solution. To make reading worthwhile.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Another Peek at Heroes

All's perhaps not as it seems. This article was written regarding Peyton Manning. So is Peyton a Real Hero?

Oh Come On

They also serve as a reminder that we don’t truly know athletes. That, increasingly, in an age when public figures can carefully craft their image through social media, traditional media and endorsements, what we think we know of men and women considered heroes for their achievements in sports is often times a mirage.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Friday, February 12, 2016

'Hero' vs 'True Hero'

This is part of a well thought out response to my post yesterday.

Recently I was dressed down by a citizen claiming that all police and firefighters are a waste of public funds as they could never handle a REAL JOB. My public live values kicked in and I thanked the person for their service in paying for my pension and this made them even more in-raged. I guess it has something to do with this being a leap election year.

How soon 9/11 heroes are forgotten.

Okay here goes - with the realization - we could be entering the 'feelings hurt' zone. A soldier in Viet Nam dove on a grenade knowing full well he was going to die to save his companions. Clearly he's a 'Real Hero'.

There were some, as in an office manager in the World Trade Center who assisted others, to get out of the building, knowing his time to escape was vanishing. Some of the firefighters must have met the criteria for being 'True Heros' on that day, but did all of them? Can we say all of the firefighters entering the building realized they were going to die? Perhaps they were relying on their training and following orders. That would simply render them 'in the wrong place at the wrong time' type of 'Heros'.

When truckers are killed in accidents they aren't referred to as ''True Heros' because they gave their life feeding America. Right? I feel some sectors i.e. Police Deaprtments are so busy building memorials and honoring each other that it is simply a self-glorification PR Campaign. Trouble lurks around these notions i.e. Some who are called heros start to believe it.

Great post by-the-way.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Term 'Hero" Undone

Some of us point to the police as our hometown hero's. How about firefighters anyone? Perhaps a priest will do. I suppose some claim soldiers are hero's. Then all of a sudden Bowe Burgdahl lands in the White House before finding himself in front of a Military Tribunal. If Bowe prevails in court do we reassign him to the "Real Hero" class of hero's?

I'm slightly confused here, but at least one thing is for certain . . . the birth of a new term. Now bonified heroic individuals are referred to as "Real Hero's". Funny how that happened. Must of had something to do with those so adapt at dishing out misinformation.

So when someone points at you and says you're a hero. Be careful. It could be an insult. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Inspiration from Soldiers

Look . . . I hung out on the Malmstrom Airbase and listened. Hung out around Peterson Airbase and listened. I followed that up with an infantry man just back from Afghanistan. I'll keep my word and you will be my secret. Many - Many thanks for taking me under your wing.

Here is a deep thought. A Day without Sunshine is like . . . well . . . Night.

Should I stay or Should I go? I mean, its cold back there!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Ode to Young Folks

So Peterson Airbase is just down the road from me. Man . . . talk about perspectives and concerns from those who were on the front line. I had no idea what a FOP was until I was sworn to secrecy. Then the stories flowed. Many thanks to all who took me under their wings for my next piece of social fiction. It is shaping up to be a dozy!

Can't imagine going back 'There' to the blizzards and such. Man it's Springtime in Colorado Springs.

Many thanks for all the messages and what not. I filled my phone up on several occasions. Will reach out to all once the valuable commodity of time comes my way.

Friday, February 5, 2016

So I'm asked if I'm Nuts

Got ta thinkin' on that question. An oak tree is nothing but a nut that stood its ground. So I guess I agree as I plunge into another day scouting out truth in the layout of the land. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Many Thanks in all Seriousness to The TSA

Terrorist Watch list WOW.. I believe it. My last trip from San Diego I arrived at 7am to be in Austin at noon straight through. They stopped me because I had a rock tumbler for Marcie in my bag. Induced an argument. Never belittle security. They finally let me through. Diverted to Nashville and arrived in Austin at 1:30am. Met some cool people in Nashville during the lay over though. Are you going back to Colorado?

I find my inclusion on some sort of 'Watch List' as silly but hey . . . its happened to many good folks as evidenced by this email. I am very gratiful for the work they do. I never complain when waiting in long lines.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Talking about What I Write about

So help me God!!! I had the thought of the day. You might also become a very outstanding Rabbi. You can blame the above suggestion to the pills I am taking. At least they make me laugh today anyhow your very Jewish Angel and who knows what else.

I've bounced all over this country talking up what I write about. Its amazing . . . truly amazing how many wonderful folks I've had the opportunity to meet.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Truth & Nothin' but thee Truth

Are you fucking nuts? Posting you with that book and poking fun with the TSA folks.
These guys have no sense of humor and picking a fight with them is not going to get you off their silly lists.
I fail to see how this works in promoting your books. Did you not study the McCarthy years?

I loved this question. In a nutshell . . . I thrive on the Truth 'bout like a dandelion hungers for sunlight. It's true . . . I've landed on some sort of 'Watch List' and have no explanation for it. I will, dear friends keep ya posted on what transpires in the near future. I'm flying out west soon. Anyone read any good books lately? Just kidding.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Making a Murder

Hey stranger. I love watching what you are doing. Good for you. Just curious if you have seen the Netflix documentary? I have watched it twice. Tell Peggy I said hi.

I've been asked again and again what I think of Netflixs' effort. I'm thinking they are spot on and applaude the film. The issues raised were exactly the motivation behind my writing 'Brand of Justice'. I was a cop. I was wrongfully prosecuted. I was there and it's a driver behind me wanting to shed some light on the need for Criminal Justice Reform. I was yelping about this issue before the President mentioned it. Yes sir . . . I wrote of police sexually assaulting folks, I wrote about cops wrongfully arresting individuals. I was told by stories are dark but could never happen and then along comes them pesky cameras.

Humbled Cop in a Prior Life. Author currently. My writing involves the Human Animal. Murder-Mayhem and well, you get the picture...