Thursday, September 28, 2017

Enough Drama

Gotta say, with the US President, Kim Jong-un, NFL Protests, Mother Nature, Terrorism and-and-and . . . one needs to check out for sanity. Think I'll tip-toe back into the studio and get another story ready to roll.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Above Those They Swore to Protect

Read this Police Union statement carefully. Common folk, it is claimed, are not trained officers and thus can't judge the actions of police officers. Man, we gotta long way to go on this social justice deal. By the way, this involves the white nurse in Salt Lake who was following proper procedures set in place by the hospital she is employed with. I was an officer and what I saw were wrongful actions by the police officer. Enough said.

"The premature release of body cam footage is particularly demoralizing as it allows the public who have not trained as police officers to make what often amounts to biased and ill-informed judgments of the police," association president Stephen Hartney said in a letter.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Must Say

I have some difficulty with foreign languages and such. Please realize I'm a English type of guy. Patience is a must with your questions. Let's hope for peace this weekend!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Oh That Deadly 2nd Amendment

Well, America has logged its 31st School Shooting. Guns don't kill people . . . students do. Guns sure do facilate the deadly art of killin' though. To think . . . Rockford WA is described as a close knit community. The shooter was not bullied or picked on, had many friends as well as access to at least two guns. Come on America, guns and cancer kill people and both must be dealt with.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

As Told in Justice

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A Minneapolis police officer is charged with sex crimes allegedly involving his son’s girlfriend.
Fifty-eight-year-old David Edward Campbell of Bloomington was charged Tuesday with third- and fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct as well as terroristic threats.
According to the complaint, Campbell’s teenage son and his girlfriend told Bloomington police that Campbell had been sexually abusing her. The girl had been living with her boyfriend and his family.
Prosecutors allege Campbell bought new underwear for the girl and asked her to take photos of herself in the underwear and send them to his phone.

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The complaint says Campbell also exposed himself to her, touched her and threatened to shoot her if she told anyone. Some of the incidents occurred while Campbell was on-duty.
Campbell is in jail and due in court Wednesday.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Power Corrupts and Absolute Power

This regards the Nurse in Utah . . . Barker stressed that a "color of law" review, which examines whether law enforcement officials exceeded their authority, was a preliminary step that may or may not lead to a formal investigation.

Thursday, September 7, 2017


Many thanks to all the fabulous folks out there who took time to share their story. Everyone has a story, but so few put it down in writing. 

Friday, September 1, 2017

And Now This

For those who completely despise President Trump . . . what are your thoughts here?

Trump pledges personal donation of $1M for hurricane relief

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Not Until Trump

The President makes $400,00 annually + 50,000 travel expenses + 100,000 nontaxable travel expenses + 19,000 for entertainment. President Trump has given up his annual salary. Actions speak louder than words and this is nothing but good for the debt ridden country of America. Right?

Friday, August 25, 2017

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Watching the Watchers

Ended up enjoying the Eclipse. Folks pulled over staring up at the sky. Employees standing in parking lots moon gazing. I was asked if I realized I was missing history. Well I'll get over it I told 'em. I figure I see an Eclipse, Sunset or whatever it's called, every night at around nine this time of year. Oh, and did I mention how many times I was told to not peek at the sun without protection? A condom pulled over my face? No silly, glasses, Eclipse Glasses. And so it goes. . .

Monday, August 21, 2017


Guess I'm the only one in the Universe who isn't shook up by an Eclipse. I mean, every year or so it seems we have an eclipse of a lifetime.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Brave Officers are not Antipolice or Unpatriotic

So these officers rallied in support of Kaepernick. Serpico showed up. All we are asking is for police accountability. Why you think I wrote my stories? I was a cop in another life. Perhaps I thought it was a move in the right direction for better policing. These New York Officers seem to agree. Takes courage to stand for what is right, or should I say sit?

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Gotta be a Better Way

This just in from the President . . . “They were having terrorism problems, just like we do,” Trump said. “And he caught 50 terrorists who did tremendous damage and killed many people. And he took the 50 terrorists, and he took 50 men and he dipped 50 bullets in pigs’ blood — you heard that, right? He took 50 bullets, and he dipped them in pigs’ blood. And he had his men load his rifles, and he lined up the 50 people, and they shot 49 of those people. And the 50th person, he said: You go back to your people, and you tell them what happened. And for 25 years, there wasn’t a problem. Okay? Twenty-five years, there wasn’t a problem.”

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Is it Going to ever Stop?

Mr Lopez held a gun at the officers and did not lower it when asked, so officers shot him.
However the family’s lawyer, Murray Wells, says an independent investigation into the death revealed a different version of events.
Mr Lopez died from a single bullet to the back of the head, he said. There are bullet holes in the door of the home, which Mr Lopez never opened, suggesting police shot the victim through a closed door.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Minneapolis Police can't have GUNS?

This from a politician . . .  Dehn also thinks fewer police officers should be armed with guns when they’re on patrol.
Is this representing a complete breakdown of trust? I mean, this reads like we don't want our cops armed.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Informed Public

I have always recognized infromation as key to a free society. I have to agree with this person who messaged me today.

However;  a  few  DEMOCRACY  HEROs  like  Manning  &  Snowden  tried  and  tried  to
inform  the  Public  OF  BUSH  WAR  CRIMINALs . ( Bush  Gang  had  criminalized  such
Pro-Democracy  acts ) .  Thus .. SNOWDEN  &  MANNING  WERE  The  CRIMINALs ..
NOT  ANTI-DEMOCRACY , lawless   Bush  Gang  !  !

Humbled Cop in a Prior Life. Author currently. My writing involves the Human Animal. Murder-Mayhem and well, you get the picture...