Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Hats Off to Highschoolers

Gotta give credit where credit is do. Podcast some of your stories so we can listen to them on our 'devices'. Well it shall be done. Your wish is my command. Stay tuned to this blog and read, no wait, listen away.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Soft Cover Only

I don't know if your book comes in Hardcover (which I prefer) but I did put it on my wish list to buy the paperback version. I can't wait to read it.

JustThis and Brand of Justice are only available as soft covers or versions are available for the Kindle and Nook devices. Thanks goes out to you for the interest. Check out my websites for info on purchase options. Many used copies are available. Release options for The Passionate Jihadist are currently being shopped.

I'm a couple years late in reading these, but both of your books are really good! It was hard to put them down.....until life got in the way. Having grown up in a small town and now raising a family in a small town, it is very easy to see how people in positions of authority can and do use their power to their benefit. Your insight really brings to light that these kinds of things can and unfortunately do happen. It really makes one think. Looking forward to reading your next book.

This message was submitted from your website contact form: 

I do hope the best for you.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

What's The Big Idea?

Defang a Cobra and it isn't as Deadly. Take a Bomb away from Terrorists and they aren't as Deadly. Take an Assault Rifle from a Spree Shooter and he isn't as deadly. Enough said?

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Monday, November 6, 2017

Civilized Society?

Trump stated North Korea is a threat to all civilized societies. I wonder if a civilized society arms its citizens to kill, kill and kill again in the name of profit.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Many Thanks

I must first thank my wife for her input with my manuscript. She is a teacher with an English emphasis. Secondly, a big thanks goes out to RLW Editorial Services and their tireless effort on my behalf. Finally, my heartfelt gratitude goes out to the judges of the Inks and Insights Writing Competition: Kimberly Egan, Kevin Sparrow, Alex and Brittany Eckhardt. They deemed The Passionate Jihadist good enough to be one of the top three stories in the competition. 

Saturday, November 4, 2017

The Passionate Jihadist

Sayfullo Saipov could have benefited - perhaps - from reading about Yushua in The Passionate Jihadist.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Unique Life Experiences

I draw on my experiences when writing my stories. When I wrote Brand of Justice I hung out in Great Falls, Montana and made attempts at understanding what is truly means to be put on trial for the murder of a toddler. I drew heavily on experiences I had while working as a cop to put together the different personalities in JusThis. My current manuscript, The Passionate Jihadist, involved a lot of research as previously mentioned.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

how did you write about muslims if you not one?

I discuss issues with players and research-research-research. I sat down with members of the Muslim Community in Boulder Colorado and tactfully listened for knowledge. I interviewed soldiers fresh from an assignment involving a Forward Observation Post in Afghanistan. Interesting note, everyone who talked to me were concerned about being outed and we had to build trust before our discussions became very in-lighting.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

I'll post The Next Giveaway on my Website

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Unfortunately 'The Passionate Jihadist' is a Fictional Account of Reality

Boy in suicide vest kills at least 7 in attack on Kabul diplomatic enclave

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Bullwinkle's Pub

It 'twas an honor to hang out at Bullwinkle's Pub with one creative guy, Bryan Hewitt, who designs guitars for the likes of Great White, to name just one example.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Finding Jake

Bryan Reardon absolutely nailed it when he wrote 'Finding Jake'. You wanna see what the death of empathy looks like, ya owe it to yourself to read this incredible tale.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Named a Finalist

Below are the TOP THREE submissions that advanced to the Agent Round.

SEVEN agents are currently reading their work.

(They are listed in no particular order.

Two of them were actually tied in score! )


The Passionate Jihadist   

by Curt Rude

Visit Fatima's pages:

Read a sample of  The Passionate Jihadist

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

How does it Feel to Pull the Trigger?

I enjoy visiting paradigms and individual attitudes to settle on the truth in an unbiased manner.


Monday, October 9, 2017

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Real Scorn

3 Men, 1 Plan, to attack New York City in the name of The Islamic State. Consider the content, kinda eerie. Does this harken back to Vegas?

"The planned attacks included detonating bombs in Times Square and the New York City subway system and shooting civilians at specific concert venues," a Department of Justice statement said.

Marquette Tomorrow

Hope you can make it. Let's been seen and heard. Arriving with thirty-six books. Otherwise my stories are located on Amazon, libraries a...