Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Say What?

So Prince Philip retired from his royal duties in August of 2017. He stuck with it until he was 95 years old. I mean, I'm in the dark here, but just what were his royal do-do's? All I ever seen him doing was wearing a red uniform waving to folks. Is that a job ya havta actually retire from?

Monday, April 2, 2018

Say What?

So help me out Readers. Come up with something Goofier than this . . . "Kid tested, Mother Approved." JIF Peanut Butter. This stuff contains molasses, hydrogenated fat, mono and diglycerides and salt to boot. Why not just give your kids Peanut Butter with none of this stuff tossed into it? You know the folks putting this stuff in the marketplace ain't feeding it to their kids. You know they ain't feeding this to kids overseas.

Thursday, March 29, 2018


Hopefully Malala will not share the fate of Benazir Bhutto. There are gentlemen in Pakistan who think nothing of shooting unarmed women. Can you imagine? Shooting a little girl in the back of the head? Hats off to Malala for her brave stance.

Malala Yousafzai, the world’s youngest Nobel Peace Prize laureate, returned to Pakistan for the first time since 2012 when she was shot by the Taliban for advocating for girls' education.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Another Award!?

Every Award is Meaningful! I always give Thanks for the Readers. Without Them there would be no Writers.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Met an Awesome Author in San Francisco

A Toast for Margaret Gates
The Blind Date
   Maggie's scream for help barely escaped her mouth when Barrett's fist, flying across the front seat of his new '61 Chevy Impala, hit her hard in the face.
   "Shut up bitch," he shouted at her as he steered the car farther up the dirt road, heading deeper into the woods. He had told her he would take her home after she had fought off his sexual advances but now she knew he had tricked her.
   Terrified of him now, Maggie opened the car door and jumped out of the moving vehicle, landing in a pile of gravel. Legs and arms scraped and bloody, she desperately tried to scramble to her feet but her high heels kept slipping in the loose gravel.
   The sound of the car door slamming got her attention as she struggled to stand up. She could hear the crunch of Barrett's shoes on the gravel and knew he was coming for her. Maggie could taste the fear she felt as she tried to get her feet to move but she was frozen in place. She stood there in terror as this man, this blind date from hell, advanced on her.
   "Don't try to run you crazy bitch because when I catch you, you die," Barrett shouted. Maggie was paralyzed with fear as she watched him come closer and knew she would be no match for him even if she could run.
   A movement behind him caught Maggie's eye and she saw his precious new car begin to roll down the hill where he left it when he came after her. He had forgotten to put it in park in his rage and hurry to get to her.
   The crunch of tires on gravel caused Barrett to turn to see what she was seeing as she stood transfixed to the spot.
   Barrett's scream as his car hit him full force jolted Maggie out of her trance, enabling her to jump aside and watch the car roll over him and come to a stop where she had been standing. She could see Barrett's lifeless eyes staring up at her as she sank to her knees and began to shake uncontrollably.
   Barrett's scream echoed in Maggie's head as she trudged down the narrow dirt road to what she hoped would be the highway.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Listen to The Youngsters

Guns don't kill People, but they make Killers using Guns a lot more Lethal. Very heartened by young people and how they are calling-out all those who love their precious instruments of violence.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Parade of Dolts

Ever notice the Crowd of Clowns behind the Cop (usually with a lot of stars on the ol' collar) who is actually doing the talkin'? Is the look under the cowboy hat conveying an expression of shear stupidity or am I missing something here? How about the other uniform on stage? Is he thinking . . . 'oh boy-oh boy I'm on stage with The Big Cheese so someday maybe I'll be The-you know-Big Cheese? Then we have the lady. After Big Cheese is done yapping is she going to call the kids to let 'em know she's muscled her way onto CNN? One things for certain Human Clowns are a lot funnier than Clown Fish. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Bomber Kinda Apprehended

Guess he died. Anyways we just considered this issue yesterday. Now I'm thinkin' this 24 yr old was captured do to surveillance video from a Fed Ex facility. Looking at the totality of the circumstances . . . one has to consider that perhaps a white, 24 yr old, ex-military personality type is responsible. And to think, some of us thought this stuff is only perpetrated by guys in the Middle East.

Death be Not Proud

Bob Vilt wrote 'You Much Crazy'. Brutally honest peek at his experiences in Viet Nam. He sleeps with God now.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Say What? Bomber running around Austin! I'm from Austin!

Well . . . as some of ya know by now, my latest story focuses on a domestic bomber. The Passionate Jihadist was written long before the individual from Austin,  got rollin'. I know some of you figure Police Chief Brian Manley sounds kinda silly by implying the bomber should turn himself in and sit down and be understood by the police. The Chief is playing the game correctly. He isn't as dumb as he may sound to some. He is acting under the auspices of the FBI who want to somehow come up with a clue or two. You know the whole Profiler deal. Another thing . . .  let's not make the Bomber seem more scary and intelligent than he is. We live in The Information Age. Checkout chapter 4 from this book. There ya go.

Monday, March 19, 2018

My Books and Reality

Television cops are make-believe. People seem to form their perceptions of the world they live in around TV. It must be shocking for them, when something happens that their friends from TV would never do. Stuff like beating on a 12 year old. After 29 years of law enforcement I figured I'd pull back the curtain and let folks see it for what it is.

“I was shocked because I knew he was a detective and I thought that they were held to higher standards that there was no way that that would happen, especially to a 12 year old girl,” the restaurant’s manager, Will Atkins, told CBS Austin. “Nobody has any idea, there was no reasoning, no logical explanation.”

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Healthcare vs Bombs-Away

Received this Message. Thought provoking to say the least. Thanks for your thoughts Matt.

AMERICA  =  The  4th.  REICH
                   Wrote  author  MARRS  in  1999
*)  $  $  BILLIONs -  $  $  Trillions  TO  KILL  PEOPLE .. BUT ..
*)  NOTHING  To  Help  America's  Citizens , etc ..


At  Least  Norway , Canada ,  Denmark , Sweden , Iceland ,
Britain ,  France ,  N.  Zealand , CUBA , + , +  SPEND ..
*)  BILLIONs  To  HELP  PEOPLE  .. AND   spend
*)  " nothing "  To  KILL  People .. unlike  America   !  !      M.C.S.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Ethel Rohan & 'The Passionate Jihadist'

Ethel Rohan selects 'The Passionate Jihadist' for an award from The National League of American Pen Women. She's Irish born and today is St Patrick's Day! Many thanks!

Friday, March 16, 2018

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

Well, did ya see NBC subpoenaed surveillance video which continues to shower the truth all over Scot Peterson? Guess we were a little ahead of our selves yesterday. Why do we have to subpoena the truth?

Today's award goes . . . drum beat please . . . to . . . President Trump, though I have my doubts. I mean we expect lies from our elected leaders. Right? I mean, you show me a politician and I'll show you a liar. They even lie when they aren't suppose to. Habits are hard to break. You know, like in courtrooms. Then they end up getting charged with perjury.

“I wasn't a fan of Iraq. I didn't want to go into Iraq.” (He was for an invasion before he was against it.)

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

From Officer of The Year to Resigning. Then Scot Peterson claims he thought it was fire-crackers. So why maintain a position of cover, Scot, for four minutes? Actions speak louder than words. Then another one of them dang tapes of the incident emerges. Is there such a thing as White Lyin'? If there is I ain't buyin' it here. Only kinda lyin' on display here seems to be the face-saving kinda thing.

Clint said it best. "A man has to know his limitations."

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Love Them Student Demonstrators

Check-out today's addition to 'In a Wheelchair' underneath this post. Very heartfelt read and I thank the writer for sharing it. Kids are taking on the Adults/NRA/Gun Lovers/Paid for Politicians and call me proud of them. What else is happening? Flap has disappeared. 'Short Story In Our Making' ain't going to be complete until he rolls up his sleeves and makes additions. What else? An Iraqi Refugee comes to the U.S. to pursue the American Dream. Having kids and saving for a house. He is unarmed and is shot to death by four Americans. Suppose we build a wall and nobody attempts to get over it?

Kids are sick of being Massacred!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Trump vs Rex & Where is Flap?

Isn't trump at all concerned about the Russian Collusion deal if he dumps Rex Tillerson? Rex mentions that Russia should be held accountable if it is proven they poisoned the dissident in England and bang . . . he's gone.

Why hasn't Flap made additions to the developing story on this blog? I mean, he's a talented author who residents in the shadow of cactus. If ya bump into him running around Arizona let him know we are waiting.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Albert Wong

So the shooters adoptive family placed him in a Foster Home because they both worked full-time. Okay, then he's dumped from the program because . . . ? . . . Sounds like Liability vs Learning Experience in this land crawling with lawyers. And the masses are left to wonder. Ever get sick of this? I do.


  www.curt-rude.com Cop in a Prior Life. Author currently. My writing involves the Human Animal. Murder-Mayhem and well, you get the picture...