Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Don't We Owe 'em Something?

Take one War. Why is it that somewhere between 400,000 and 1.5 million vets ended up suffering to some degree with PTSD after experiencing Vietnam? I use this as an example because the figures have come home to roost.

Currently there are somewhere between 160 and 180,000 veterans caught up in the Justice System.

Have we used these folks for nasty purposes and then abandoned them, or, worst yet, labeled them as vile criminals?

Just one recent example . . .
regarding my motivation for writing The Bee Killer.

Monday, December 10, 2018

General Robert E. Lee on War

America  KILLs  " 7,000 +  Iraq  
EVERY  YEAR  for  .. 15  yrs. ..

U.S. Veterans  commit  suicide  
22 - 20  per  day  since  
W.  BUSH's  2003  Iraq  War .

I received this message from a reader and thought of Lee's comment regarding war.

"It is well that war is so terrible - otherwise we would grow to fond of it."

I would like to think my writing carries with it the responsibility of  all  point of views in matters of the truth.

Click & Read "The Bee Killer".

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Thanks to All!

Click & Read "The Bee Killer"

"A must read. When some have given so much of themselves, it is a small thing for us to do. To reach out and understand one horror of war. Many thanks to Mr. Rude for his effort."
The Beloit Readers

"Calling all to read before pointing fingers at our heroes. Killing and being killed bring about horrible changes in the best of us. This story is the first step in understanding the madness of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder."
Post Traumatic Survivors Detail

Friday, December 7, 2018

Santa says it Best

“We owe a debt of gratitude to men like this that have made such a life-changing decision to give up themselves, be willing to lay down their life even, for other people,” Santa explained to WTXF about why he wanted to take a knee for Smiley, a World War 2 veteran.

Remember my good Readers . . . the war doesn't stop on the flight back home. In some cases it is only just the beginning. Let's also remember actions speak louder than words.

Thursday, December 6, 2018


Click on the Link Above to hear a short Read.

So lets see here. As to the previous post regarding the naughty girl . . . that was penned back in the day by none other than Benjamin Franklin. Thoughts and opinions welcomed regarding the podcasts. Enjoy!

Monday, December 3, 2018

Somethings Never Change

Best guess for a year and name for who penned this piece of writing?

"My friend Collins therefore undertook to manage me. He agreed with the captain of a New York sloop for my passage, under the notion of my being a young acquaintance of his that had got a naughty girl with child, whose friends would compel me to marry her, and therefore I could not appear or come away publicly."

I'll let you in on the answer, tomorrow, and complete another reading from JusThis. 

Friday, November 30, 2018

See No Evil

Hayley Bray is assaulted by a Colin Kaepernick look alike in broad daylight - right? Checkout the response of the bystander. Nothing. I mean Hayley says . . . "What the f*** are you doing? You know that's assault." Is this an example of the 'I'm not getting involved deal'? Guess ya gotta be careful when you're doing laundry. When the good people do nothing bad folks prevail. 

Thursday, November 29, 2018

What's Happening?

Okay lets see here. Regarding the last couple of podcasts it looks like a cop is involved in a car vs pedestrian in the prologue. Chapter 1 starts off with an under-aged party. Now remember . . . this was written long before the current headlines started haunting today's law enforcement. There ya go and remember to have a great day and keep reading. It's our only chance. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Click on the Link Above to hear a short Read.

Bio from Presentation in San Francisco.

Curt Rude honed his writing skills while surviving in the trenches of the human experience. Past awards include Ink & Insights and The Soul-Making Keats Literary Competition. His Short Story, The Bee Killer is the result of spending time with soldiers and those sworn to serve and protect. He is a member of The Raven Madd Roundtable of Writers. His place on earth is located near the coast of Maine. Previous Novels include JusThisBrand of Justice and The Passionate Jihadist. Curt has shared his views in the media, including, The Fox 9 KMSP Morning Show in Minneapolis/St Paul.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Monday, November 12, 2018

The Bee Killer

"He said he wanted to be in the Marines because he wanted to go fight in the war for our country and he wanted to kill for our country," she said. "When you hear somebody say they want to be in the military because they want to kill people in the name of our country, that's chilling. It chilled me right down to my bones."

I plan to release The Bee Killer as a podcast to honor those in Thousand Oaks. A donation will also be made to honor those who gave so much for our country and now need assistance with mental health issues.

Monday, November 5, 2018

94 Million in One State Alone

Missouri spending totaled 94 big ones on election spending, proving once again that there are plenty of dollars being spent for your vote. Frightened? You should be.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

One Nation and Sandy Hook

When folks can tolerate the gunning down of small children they truly love weapons. Actions, or in this case, inaction speaks volumes.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

What would Steinbeck and Hemingway say about Honduran Caravan?

Read 'The Grapes of Wrath' and 'To Have and Not Have'. You'll come to a new appreciation for humanity and its struggles. Enough said?

Monday, October 29, 2018

Megyn Kelly

Okay. Blackface Controversy or just a reason to get out from under bad ratings? I mean, lets hope this new awareness . . . this sensitivity . . . hasn't provided fodder for a lack of accountability. I'm dropping these thoughts without fact checking so don't be hasty with the emails. If this was truly a nasty moment in this nation's history perhaps we can all learn by it.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Work Experience Diversity

Too many lawyers in politics. That bunch is taught to argue and they would never be considered producers by Aryan Rand. Trump is not a lawyer. Enough said?

Seeing is Believing

People who hit up my blog know where I stand on the issue of protestors. The point is, can't we agree to disagree and respect the other ...