Monday, July 8, 2013


I dunno . . . need some help here . . . look my blogging friends drop me some suggestions on how I can satisfy my adrenaline craving.

Note from a former Austinite - No shit....Scotland? This book writing thing really has been great for you. I love it that people do much better after getting run out of Austin. If you get to Ireland there is Clennon Valley. You have to be careful there though. Have a great time.

Where baby lizards come from.
I was wandering around Wyoming and caught these critters  in the act.
I recently flew into San Francisco International. I also was in Soldotna Alaska not too terribly long ago. Heart goes out to the folks involved in these two airplane crashes.

Thought for the day . . . If you don't know what the word "dictionary" means, where would you look it up?

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Wi Will possibly be out of communique for the foreseeable future racing around Europe. If ya get to missing me score one of my books. Hey, w...