Monday, August 26, 2013


Great time hanging out at Winona State. The reception was fabulous, the students were into it. I wandered outta there somehow nicknamed Crazy Curt. I guess I was full of caffeine and energy to boot.

The heat is on in Normal . . . unbelievable. Doug, you living in Texas now? Never know when I'll be in your neck of the woods, be warned, your carpet isn't safe my friend. I'd like to end up at the Whiskey-a-Go Go with you sometime in the future.

May be hanging out in southern Florida gnawing on a 'cheese burger in paradise' at Jimmy Buffets' place come this winter. I'll let you know Josh, you could show me around Miami.

Remember my friends, the first step in writing is to put that first word down on paper. Then sit back and let it morph into a sentence before realizing it's become an entire story.

Oh, almost forgot, I'm headed to Ashland Wisconsin to do a skiing benefit in the dead of winter. Our cabin is booked my dear friends. 

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