Thursday, December 5, 2013

On The Road Again

Crashed in Hastings. Great Hotel. Thanks Matt and Brittany. Saw Dawn on MyFox9, she's still doing a bang up job! Now I'm homeward bound for X-Mas. Hey guys, need any ideas for a great gift? Books are where it's at. Lets see here, 'Gone Girl' is a great, must read book. Oh, the first review is in for 'Brand of Justice'. 'Ingenious plot, characters using, crisp, insanely funny and original dialogue and endless surprises. Lawyer jokes, speech impediments, a serial killer that goes to church, and kids in a life and death struggle with the criminal justice system. As if that's not enough, Curt is still dishing it up to the last sentence.' Now let's see $2.99 ebooks and the printed books'll be around $8.00. I'm tellingya, ya can't go wrong. Besides, there is a money back guarantee if the reading is not your cup of tea. Check out my Website and let me know what ya think, and remember now, be careful, the worst cop in the world is going to work today and none of us know where that is!
This is my one-eyed, kick ass Editor. How could I go wrong?

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