Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Short and to The Point

Latest review regarding Brand of Justice . . . OMG.... what a book!!!! Kept me on my toes and I couldn't put it down!


  1. Thank you very much for you effort. I loved the story and am going to pick up your first book also. I finished reading about the young men in Wyoming and immediatly sent this book to my son who is currently at the University of Minnesota. I realized what your posts were referring too. Thank you. You are continuing to provide a service. I also like the method to your madness. While reading, I'd actually have to stifle laughter. You somehow managed to navigate from gore to laughter effortlessly. Your an inspiration. I've always wanted to write but have been told it's near impossible. If you were told that I give thanks that you didn't listen. Thanks again.

  2. Very heartening to hear you're going to share this with your son. I know that the police are running around in army gear. They're taking 'Officer Safety' very serious. In this day and age when crime levels are dropping, an increasing number of individuals are being shot to death by officers. Citizens must arm themselves with knowledge. They must become 'Officer Aware'. Many thanks for your reply.



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