Saturday, February 1, 2014

What the Most Interesting Man had to say about Brand of Justice.

I Don't always drink Beer and Read, But when I do, I prefer Dos Equis and Curt Rude's story . . . Brand of Justice. Stay thirsty my friends, for beer and knowledge. 


  1. I looked up some of the places in this last book, they really do exist. Did you live there? I find it interesting the way you get into the minds of your characters, must be the police background.

  2. im really really excited to see you. at the white pig. when are you getting there???? Im reading Brand now. Are you going to get the other book for us at the beer and books. Im goin g to have you autograph both.

    1. I'll have plenty of both books on hand. You can also have them sent directly to your mailbox by clicking one of the sites on the right. I'm really looking forward to meeting you folks at the one and only White Pig!

  3. I hung out in Casper plenty. I'll be posting some photos of scenes from the book. Everything mentioned in the book is factual. I drove the highways. Hung out in Wyoming cafes. Drank beer at Independence Rock (Don't tell anyone, I think it's illegal and ignorance of the law ain'ta excuse!). It's safe to assume the powers weren't able to deprive me of my policing experiences and that the law enforcing method to my madcap approach to writing can be attributed to it.



Wi Will possibly be out of communique for the foreseeable future racing around Europe. If ya get to missing me score one of my books. Hey, w...