Wednesday, May 21, 2014

That's What it's all about . . .

I was thanked for writing JusThis by a woman who had been raped by a police officer. She thanked me for not forgetting the victims of criminal sexual conduct.

A university student notified me she was stopped by a police officer in North Platte Nebraska. The officer wanted to search her vehicle and she said absolutely not. The officer asked what she was hiding. She said nothing but she had read Brand of Justice and knows she doesn't have to be searched.

A huge welcome to my readers. This is what it's all about. You made my day.


  1. loved it loved it thanks much you are now my best author i loved it brand of justice is a great read sir

  2. I found Brand of Justice very enjoyable to read. Thanks much for sharing it with us. You are one of the few people that could tell this story so well. I had the impression it was heart felt. I look forward to meeting you in Bar Harbor. I'm going to have you sign my copy.



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