Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Oh for the Love of Cover Ups and you thought JusThis was fiction!

In the end, the lady who speculated that the officer drew down on himself and almost shot her husband was relieved. Usually a grandchild is with the man and would have been standing where the bullet traveled. Has anything been learned from this incident? We'll never know because we are in a 'Love of Cover Ups' state of mind. A Lieutenant resigns, he is granted a couple of months of pay to just go away silently. Gotta keep that 'Love of Cover Ups' deal going.

When Chief of Police Philipp resigned to save the Department and Community any anguish over an affair he had that was that. The Mayor said something to the affect he had been harder on himself than the Community would have been.

A Department Head stopped in two days ago and we chuckled on that account. All the money the Chief wasted, resulted in all employees having to account for their phone calls whether it was sex driven or not. He speculated Philipp wanted to get caught. I disagreed. It was an obsession that turned into an addiction. I have all of the pictures and am considering posting them for your consideration. It happened in this place and it can and does happen in your place!

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