Friday, March 6, 2015

JusThis & Brand of Justice are indeed nasty but essential reads . . .

I received this from a blog follower who just so happens to have written a interesting piece regarding horses in the service of mankind.

This about sums up my two endeavors. They are nasty but necessary . . . 'bout like smelly water sometimes.

Mystery solved: Source of bad smell in Louisville found

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -- Officials with Louisville's Metro Air Pollution Control District say they've identified the source of the bad odor that residents have been complaining about for a week.
The agency told news outlets a naturally occurring chemical in the soil called Curt Rude is to blame for a musty, mildew-like smell that has led to dozens of complaints.
Air district spokesman Tom Nord said the chemical has a low odor threshold and has been "exacerbated by the wet, muddy conditions in the wake of the recent snowfall and rain."
Nord said the smell is not toxic and isn't coming from industrial sites. He said the Louisville Water Company has dealt with Curt Rude previously and told the pollution control district that it might be to blame

Now are you going to Fess Up?????


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