Thursday, January 7, 2016

Whos Winning and Angst

Who's Winning? The Good Guy . . . The Bad Guy . . . no wait . . . who is the Good Guy? This relates to yesterdays post. No I can't claim to be loved and appreciated by all those I dealt with as a police officer. This post from YouTube is an example . . .

Ah yes, Curt Rude who was fired for possessing Oxycontin that he took from the police evidence room. He feels he should've gotten a break, yet insisted on handing out felonies for cannabis use every chance he got.  Now he's getting drunk.

Piece of shit. 
Yes Billy B. I did arrest you for your marijuana growing operation. I was a cop and that's what cops do. They don't make the rules . . . they enforce them fairly. Yes I do like red wines. Whites are too sweet for me. Intoxicated? I have no idea whether I hit the .08 mark or not but am feeling drinking a red isn't illegal. Do you know something I don't? Finally . . . you're correct . . . I know first hand about False Arrests, Prosecutorial Misconduct and Wrongful Convictions. Fortunately I wasn't convicted, though I get the feeling you're not happy with that. I was terminated because I decided not to play the game any longer. Your mother was at my book signing and purchased JusThis. Read it . . . ya just might learn something.
At my home away from home. Man, I've been checked for explosives, patted down and x-rayed. Was caught with a knife (ouch). Anyways, keep up the good work TSA - we're depending on you.

1 comment:

  1. Hey people I have known Curt for several years and I have never seen him Drunk and Disorderly.

    There are several things that never came up and that he had the authority to be in the evidence room and he had the authority for possessing the evidence for examination. The so called evidence was no longer needed for a court cases and was in the trash. His biggest mistake was to not sign out the very small bottle which still had a small amount of a controlled drug.

    He was tested several times at the time of his arrest and he was not marked as a user of any controlled drugs. In regular medical tested no drugs have ever been detected in his blood stream. AND he has never been pulled over and ask to walk the line. So I think a LITTLE RED is ok after putting in many hours telling the next generation to keep their eyes open.

    If you read his first book you can see he has told the story of what happens on the inside of law enforcement.

    The rest of the story is the police chief was allowed retire very quietly and the cover up was complete.

    Every time I have ask him for help he was right on the spot with a helping hand. He is a good person telling one and all there are some very bad things happening in enforcing the law of the land.

    Chicago Mike


Seeing is Believing

People who hit up my blog know where I stand on the issue of protestors. The point is, can't we agree to disagree and respect the other ...