Thursday, March 9, 2017

Oh c'mon . . .

I wrote this back in 2014 . . .

March 11, 2014 – 

Good for Joe Arpaio for wanting to kick some ass and send the bad guys away to nasty, taxpayer, saving jails. Joe was fighting drugs for 30 years in Turkey, Peru and Mexico but it would seem the fight was lost. I wonder how much that cost the taxpayers. Now we have youngsters who want to get messed up on Ecstasy and dance. Raves. Anyways, I get the feeling Joe would want to send them all to Tent City before he headed home to pound some brandy. I think there is a place for Arpaio, but we have to balance that with some realistic, insightful thinking. Portugal has decriminalized the use of Ecstasy and opened up centers that test the stuff for users. Ecstasy is harmless if it's what its billed to be. In America, we have tough sheriffs fighting the war on drugs and our fellow citizens continue to die. I am not a Molly user but I'm anti-bullshit. All this war on that and toss 'em in jail and throw the key away just gets kinda sickening to me. Lets get real. Lets cut the bullshit. The message here just seems to be too much bullshit. Enough said?

and now in 2017 . . .

Penzone, a veteran of the Phoenix police department who ran as a Democrat, maintains that his victory had less to do with politics — which he insists “has no place in law enforcement” — than it did with voters’ overwhelming fatigue with “America’s toughest sheriff.” Arpaio’s controversial crusade against illegal immigration left the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office in financial disarray, with a backlog of unsolved sex crimes.

I tried to tell Sheriff Joe and that's all we can do is . . . try.


  1. We luv u in the office. So here goes. Are you a Trump supporter? You had Sheriff Joe dead to rights! Keep on blogging.

  2. The girls of Colorado would love to know when you're headed back our way.

  3. I find it interesting that no matter how much we learn from our history, we seemed doomed to repeat it.



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