Friday, March 17, 2017

Now Hear This

Curt, many thanks for the excerpt. I loved it. You put effort into the story-line! You could have went the easy route but no, like a true novelist, you took the difficult path. Surprises were the result. New direction for your readers and they are going to appreciate it. Many Thanks - Chuck

Well many thanks to you, Chuck, for taking the time. I know you, as well as all authors are busy souls. I appreciate it. I'd like to also thank RLW Editorial Services for never giving up. Many hours of haggling, but a story was told. . . that had to be told.


  1. Curt, can I read the story for you? I'm old but full of vigor! I read your first two books!

  2. Sure, have at it, and many thanks for the interest. I put instructions on the top of this page as to how to hit up the sample reads.

  3. Intriguing start to what looks like a great story. Interesting to say the least. Nice website to boot. Glad to have met you on the coast. Go fly a kite! I have to launch my next story soon. Real soon.



Wi Will possibly be out of communique for the foreseeable future racing around Europe. If ya get to missing me score one of my books. Hey, w...