Friday, March 31, 2017

Why u never answer questions Curt Rude?

on 3/30/17
I've always hated the neagative side of things.
So now you're a crusade to stomp out negative comments in the world. good luck old boy read your sample by the way nice! on Kicking a Girl when she's Down
on 3/29/17
DC is polluted with lawyers and lawyers only produce arguments.
What is wrong in DC. It looks and sounds like a cover-up. on Blog Appreciation
on 3/29/17
Ego is the beast that destroys the goodness in things.
Aren't we all driven by ego to some extent? on My Hero of The Week is. . .
on 3/28/17
Julian spills the truth on the world community and I appreciate him for it.
Julian Assange is one in the same with the other attention seekers in D.C. EGO driven!!! on My Hero of The Week is. . .
on 3/28/17
Every story I undertake is plausibe and drenched with the truth.
first u write about a horney cop chief then a serial killer who should have been one i'm down for your next book luv how it starts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cindy on My Hero of The Week is. . .
on 3/27/17
My hero. Weird, the Russians have to protect the speakers of the truth, isn't it?
Julian Assange came to international attention as the founder of the whistle-blowing Web site, Wikileaks. In 2006, Assange began work on Wikileaks, a Web site intended to collect and share confidential information on an international scale. The site officially launched in 2007 and it was run out of Sweden at the time because of the country's strong laws protecting a person's anonymity. For his efforts, the internet activist earned the Time magazine "Person of the Year" title in 2010. on My Hero - Your Hero
on 3/27/17
Differances in opinions make the world go around.
A big fat loser! on My Hero - Your Hero
on 3/27/17
Depends on my schedule, distance and size of signing.
Will you be available for book signing and questions? on The Other Side of The Coin
on 3/23/17
We make our luck.
some ppl have all the luck on The Other Side of The Coin
on 3/23/17
I finally seen the system for what it is, flawed and nothing as broken as our Justice System should ever kill anyone. Ever.
An eye for an eye buddy. You are an ex-cop, you get soft in old age??? Someone kills then someone dies. Enough said?!? on This from Jerimie Hicks (Serving 100 years in Montana).
on 3/22/17
I get the feeling money is a driver in justice or lack there of.
Justice for some but not for all, that seems to be the more common theme in our country. How many people could make false claims and break laws and not be held accountable? There are some that it appears are above the law. Wrongfully accused, not represented, invisible citizens all deserve justice. on Curt Rude Answers Comment from Yesterday

1 comment:

  1. What is your take on Mike Flynn? I heard that an attorney advised him to request amenity. I say give it to him and lets find out what type of crap, for lack of a better word, we have in office.



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