Thursday, September 14, 2017

Oh That Deadly 2nd Amendment

Well, America has logged its 31st School Shooting. Guns don't kill people . . . students do. Guns sure do facilate the deadly art of killin' though. To think . . . Rockford WA is described as a close knit community. The shooter was not bullied or picked on, had many friends as well as access to at least two guns. Come on America, guns and cancer kill people and both must be dealt with.


  1. Soooo happy to have caught up with you at the Ovens! Your right, I loved your books. Novia Scotia was glad to have you for the Fish Chips and Read!!!

  2. Curt, best wishes on your continued success and congrates on your big win!!! CJ


Seeing is Believing

People who hit up my blog know where I stand on the issue of protestors. The point is, can't we agree to disagree and respect the other ...