Monday, December 11, 2017

Book Signing in Goodyear, Arizona

We are having an After the Holiday Party. Want to sign some books?
Lots of old firefighters and the wives that put up with them. You would be a party crasher, but screw'em if they can't take a joke.

Man, I loved hearing from you Mike. For those of ya who don't know, Mike Adams, writes great stories. His books are based in the Chicago area and are written in a very engaging style. Come to think of it, one of his stories about a fire depts horse would be a great addition to any classroom. Missed you on my recent sweep across the southwest but much appreciate the invite the the book signing. Hope it goes well for you!


  1. thank you for sharing your thoughts on this blog. We dicuss them at work!!!!!!

  2. Curt, I love getting to know you in the airport. This is Sherri. Again, you sure know your craft and thank you for taking time for someone just starting out in the craft.

  3. So excited to have spent time with you at Ska. Many thanks and good luck with your next book. Read your first one and I guess parrots can commit murder. Can't wait to read your second one about the boys out west. Your friend and admirer-Lady V


Seeing is Believing

People who hit up my blog know where I stand on the issue of protestors. The point is, can't we agree to disagree and respect the other ...