Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Stone 'Em?

This hate filled message is brought to you by a christian pastor from good-ol' America. Did you think this kinda thinking was something only barbarians expressed? Who knows, perhaps he'll change his tune when he gets to the part of his bible that states . . . 'love they neighbor' or 'judge not least thee be judged'.

Curt —

Steven Anderson is an American pastor who has called for LGBT people to be executed in his sermons.

Anderson also celebrated the shooting at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, saying he was happy that 50 people died and that “the bad news is that a lot of the homos in the bar are still alive, so they’re going to continue to molest children and recruit people into their filthy homosexual lifestyle.”


  1. Fuck it You Must Die already

  2. You speak very bad about the Islamic Cause you watch news dont you

  3. It is hate like this that tears at the heart of humanity. People ... who are you in charge of??? ... YOU ... so get over yourself... YOU are not the end all and be all of knowledge ... Who made YOU believe that YOU have all the answers... That man needs to read more carefully, God made man in the image of himself, not THAT man... and thank God for that


Seeing is Believing

People who hit up my blog know where I stand on the issue of protestors. The point is, can't we agree to disagree and respect the other ...