Sunday, February 18, 2018

Act of Bravery sending Kids to School

An American flag at a Utah high school was torn down Thursday and replaced by the flag of the Islamic State militant group, also known as ISIS, police confirmed.
The words “ISIS is comin” were also spray painted on the school’s wall, leading investigators to believe that someone had tried to write “ISIS is coming,” but had been forced to flee before finishing.


  1. I read somewhere, that mental illness is the problem. I read somewhere, that guns were the problem. I read somewhere, that our government was the problem. I read somewhere that parents were the problem. is confirmed...WE HAVE A PROBLEM!!! What do we do? Take special interests out of government, common sense laws for the internet, hold parents accountable for the actions of their children, raise the wages of lower and middle class homes so they do not have to work all the time and are not able to properly parent. There are sooooo many things that need to get done. We need to DO SOMETHING!!!

  2. RIGHT--- promote men to fathers and not just sperm donators. Get the hell off welfare and get a real job. Working hard and setting an example of what it means to be a good parent.

    Get off the drugs, get off the street corners and give up guns not just for lent, but for the good of those you love and take care of. Set a positive example for the young minds in your life.

    Don't just live with every woman you can screw, marry one lady and be her prince charming for the rest of your life.If you can do this you will be a great father and a great Papa to your grand kids as they will be your reward for your old age.

    You know who


Seeing is Believing

People who hit up my blog know where I stand on the issue of protestors. The point is, can't we agree to disagree and respect the other ...