Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Love Them Student Demonstrators

Check-out today's addition to 'In a Wheelchair' underneath this post. Very heartfelt read and I thank the writer for sharing it. Kids are taking on the Adults/NRA/Gun Lovers/Paid for Politicians and call me proud of them. What else is happening? Flap has disappeared. 'Short Story In Our Making' ain't going to be complete until he rolls up his sleeves and makes additions. What else? An Iraqi Refugee comes to the U.S. to pursue the American Dream. Having kids and saving for a house. He is unarmed and is shot to death by four Americans. Suppose we build a wall and nobody attempts to get over it?

Kids are sick of being Massacred!

1 comment:

  1. I hope the kids have the stamina it takes to keep pushing the issue! Most adults are too disillusioned and jaded by the system, to much stock in it. And about that wall, suppose lots try to escape?


Humbled Cop in a Prior Life. Author currently. My writing involves the Human Animal. Murder-Mayhem and well, you get the picture...