Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Police Shooting of Kokou Christopher Fiafonou

Oh C'mon man. Where's Waldo or Chief McKichan? During the demonstrations he must've been in the station studying body cams. Trevon Martin died on February 26th, 2012. George Floyd died in Minnesota on May 25th, 2020. Gotta assume the Chief knew this. He's on the Department's website yapping about Innovative Policing and Community Partnerships. Wow, then purchase body cams already. Address community members when they ask hard questions. Mister Fiafonou was the recipient of bullets, in a public parking lot, on December 23rd, 2021. That is forty-one days and counting. What's taking so long?

One more thing. Isn't a move afoot to get civilian authorities out of soldier uniforms . . . or did I miss something here? One wonders how Mister Fiafonou, with a knife, prevailed in his encounter with these guys.


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Looks like I'm headed to Superior for some agate hunting and a book signing. Hit me up if you want a presentation between said city and,...