Wednesday, May 20, 2015

On Top of The World

Landed on the 16th floor to assume views after The Scholastic Book Fair. Any guesses where I'm at today my friends?

Monday, May 18, 2015

Very Touching Review and Many Thanks Barbara

Well now . . .  many thanks to the Critic Sections for bringing it to my attention that this Review had not formatted to standards.
By Barbara on May 9, 2015
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
Can I just open with saying I haven't read the book yet, but
not for lack of not wanting too. But when I first met Curt and
he and I talked, tragedy hadn't struck my life and I haven't
had the focus to read it yet. But I'm so honored that I met Curt,
I can't wait till my life is back in a place of wholeness so I can
read the book and give my honest review. Curt offered to send
me a copy of his first book, but again, I had a tragedy in my life
and turned away from the cyberworld for a while. So Curt if you
happen to read this review, Remember ME, Barbara, The girl that
wants to give you a Rude Awakening, lol. I hope by summer's
end I will be able to sit down, relax, and open Brand Of Justice!
Good reviews on it so far!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Mathew Golsteyn From Hero to Villain?

Perhaps there is a book hiding in the story. John Prine called it right when he said we live in a big goofy world.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Second Amendment & Death and Mayhem in America.

Seeing is believing . . . Countries without the Second Amendment's "Right of People to keep and bear Arms . . ." are much safer places for all concerned. Whether it's second graders in classrooms or two officer's laid to rest today in Hattiesburg, the price paid for an increasingly paranoid society to arm itself should be measured in ounces of blood spilled.

Oh, don't tell me the founding fathers had it right, all of the time . . . they denied women the right to vote and enslaved black Americans. Private enterprise must fund the NRA Cause and our Politicians. If there wasn't so much money to be had in funerals, medical expenses, media coverage, grief counseling, bullets & guns perhaps then we could stem the flow of blood in our Country. The land of the free, brave and so many dead is an embarrassment. Ingaborg, a lady in Wurzburg Germany asked why we allow gun nonsense. I said it's all about the Americans love affair with cold cash, no matter how many cold dead children we have to step over to hop in out new car.


Monday, May 11, 2015

George Zimmerman Shot At!

The guy who took a shot at Zimmerman can claim 'The Stand Your Ground' defense! I mean that's what it looks like to me. Hasn't George learned with his history? I mean really, waving his gun around?

Texas & Colorado

This blue suede shoe'd reader from Texas is still in long sleeves.

There is snow in Colorado . . . where has the Global Warning Went?

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Death in Dixie

Before getting on top of what's going on in the land of the stars and stripes hang your head for a pair of officers gunned down last night.

Click Away

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Police vs The Citizens & Why?

Woke up today and was relieved to see nothing notorious from the mean streets of America. I'd like to dig into causation regarding the matter of  'Death by Cop Syndrome'. Lets put our heads together and see whats up. Had an officer post on this blog before Ferguson which may lead to some insight into this matter. I'll invite all to post under comments. Remember its anonymous, so no need to worry over officers showing up at your doorstep and beating your 1st Amendment rights outta ya.

Noticed Moscow looked a little like Baltimore today. Putin can put on quite a display.

Shala my friends and remember 'Hands UP don't Shoot'.

Friday, May 8, 2015

What Killed Freddie Gray

In a nutshell, here goes my thoughts on Freddie Gray. He is arrested for nothing though the Supreme Court declared the establishment of probable cause if one makes eye contact and runs from cops. But wait a tick, a person has the right to resist a false arrest in this land of the free and brave. Now we have the cops jumping up and down because Freddie had an illegal knife.

Now for my assumptions . . .

  1. Freddie Gray was demonstrating his frustration with being picked up for nothing. Banging on the sides of the Paddy Wagon and what not.
  2. The Wagon makes an unlogged stop. Interesting. Leadership is present, a Lieutenant, Sergeant were involved. A female officer is present as well as three black officers. Looks like a person could wonder if the officers felt like Freddie needed an attitude adjustment.
  3. Then I hear of a spine 80% damaged. I suppose one could wonder if Freddie was slammed against the wall of the Paddy Wagon. I heard something about a bolt that was protruding from the side of the Wagon. So what do ya think? An accidental death?
  4. Police are suppose to enforce the law; not dish out punishments for infractions. I mean god help us if we have one branch of government which usurps authority and morphs into judge-jury and executioner.
  5. At this time I'm leaning toward the old saying "Power Corrupts and Absolute Power killed Freddie Gray". It was the old street justice crap and now you have cops looking for a technicality to get off. Sad . . . at one time cops always hated 'criminals' who got off on technical points of the law. Where's Dirty Harry when ya need him?
Enough said? I was called for Jury Duty. I contacted the Judge and said really? . . . There ain't a prosecutor in the land be comfortable with me in a courtroom. I know how it works. The Judge agreed and excused me. Just saying, the System of Injustice is alive and well though we are seeing cracks for the first time. 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

It is Good to be Sheriff Victor Hill of Gwinnett County, GA

Wow attitudes like this down right scary. He's charged by the way. Accountability is a hard thing to comprehend for some in positions of authority. I wonder if this woman who was shot in the stomach voted for this elected official to shot and protect her? Oh wait . . . I meant serve and protect her.

Click Away

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Minneapolis Officer Rod Webber & This Response & My Defense of WCCO

This blog is certainly 'out there' and I respect all opinions. I have to admit I don't like the tone of this message. I mean . . . you break a law and then get what the cops figure you got coming? In this case the kids didn't steal the car but Officer Webber threatens the kid with a felony assault? We still maintain our officers are our 'communities finest' right?

WCCO is in the business of reporting and news sources routinely attempt to get a comment from the other-side (Police) and mums the word. So isn't some news better than no news? I mean . . . I get it . . . the media is limited in their ability to get it right but nobodies making anyone watch it.

Score another one for Social Media . . . Positive Change is in the offing!

Again with one sided biased reporting. This "kid" has a long crimminal record and just two weeks later was arrested for stealing a car from a rental company at the airport, part of an ongoing scam. While making threats to a minor is not the right way to treat anyone, no matter how much of a scum bag they are, only tellnig half of the story puts WCC ZERO in the same category as the officer. If you want honest and unbiased reporting, read more than one web site. If you like your news falling over to the left and anti white, you came to the right place...

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

So how does The Urban Dictionary define me?

Okay . . . think about it for a second. Actions speak louder than words. I have discussed issues in law enforcement in my stories plain and simple. I want to be a part of the solution to the mess rolling across our country. So evidently the Urban Dictionary has me figured out. Go figure.

Curt is awesome! The best guy you will ever meet! Always ready to help! Fix anything, repair anything, has tools, will travel. A true giver in every sense of the word. Easy to be around. Makes you feel comfortable from the very first moment. Always the life of the party.... Curt is someone you want to have around all the time! Curt is a real cutie!
Curt is awesome
by CasaBinOC March 20, 2010

Monday, May 4, 2015

Couple More Reviews

Fred S
Love the story. It had me on edge until the last page was turned and then I read it again.
Frank J
Loved the breezy style that Brand of Justice was written in. It also is the scariest book out there considering Ferguson LA and on and on. Hard hitting!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The author of 'Everville: The First Pillar' and many others . . .

Roy rated Brand of Justice 5 outta 5 stars as in a must read! Many thanks. I wrote it before Ferguson, Baltimore and . . . well you get the picture. Roy wrote 'Everville: The First Pillar". Check out his site Click Away !

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Any Words of Wisdom Curt?

I was asked this at CU recently. Yeap . . . I had one bit of wisdom . . .  "Anyone can eat a whale . . . one spoon load at a time." Never give up my friends.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Elopre's take on JusThis & Brand of Justice

Elopre Högsta Medlem Posts: 1,432 Joined: 6th April 2012 Last Visit: Today Reputation: 56 Torrents  Post: #5 To my mind it is the best work of this author.

Humbled Cop in a Prior Life. Author currently. My writing involves the Human Animal. Murder-Mayhem and well, you get the picture...