Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Paul Theroux

Mister Theroux details his experiences traveling across Africa. I mean this guy hung with the locals and came into close contact with predators. Let me tell ya this doesn't mean lions or hyenas. With experiences like this who needs boogiemen? I thought I had it rough in Nogales.


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Say What?

 I'm like asked what I do for a living. I'm like, I wrestle words to get a story just right. I know, Right?

Friday, February 26, 2021

This Just In . . .

I've written three novels. Four short stories. Won contests. Been boycotted, had my life threatened and lost countless arguments with my editor. The infamous Robert Wangsness. Agents have loved my stuff and I was fortunate enough, to get to pick and choose one of 'em. I had youngsters want to watch me write to share the creative vibe. This is just a warm up by the way. I mean . . . When the Going gets Tough, the Tough get ta Writing. What's Next? Tomorrow never knows and I wish you a happy birthday if it's this weekend.

I left my Heart in San Francisco.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Laurel Holliday


If you think ya got it bad with the pandemic, weather and whatever take a gander at this book. Many thanks to this lady who hails outta Seattle for putting these stories together.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

At Times I wonder why I ever Belonged to this Brotherhood . . .


So members of the Los Angles Police Department have been sharing this Valentines Card. It comes with the words 'You Take my Breath Away'. Go figure. Man I sometimes get that feeling that cops ain't got a feeling.

Monday, February 15, 2021

'Brand of Justice' . . . Anyone?


In Huwe Burton’s case, a judge exonerated him in his mother’s killing in 2019 after the Innocence Project, a nonprofit that investigates wrongful convictions, unearthed evidence not only that detectives used psychologically coercive techniques to get his confession, but that the prosecution had withheld evidence suggesting someone else was the killer.

How could any Defective . . . sorry . . . Detective do this?

Friday, February 12, 2021

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The Trip

So what does a white cop, black soldier and cannabis have in common? 'The Trip' is one helluva read and is scheduled for release this week. Them the words of The Raven Madd Roundtable Writers Group my friends. 

Monday, February 1, 2021


If ya ever peeked up at a mountain and wondered what it looks like on the very top this is it. I did the climbing for you. Oh by-the-way . . . it was exhausting. Love Colorado.

Friday, January 29, 2021

Idea's Anyone?

Let's see here. We've tackled PTSD-Bullying-Covid-Racism-Horny Cops-Legalizing Weed to name just a few storylines so far. Any ideas faithful readers? What do we need to toss some light on next? Let me know. Just click on the 'leave a comment' on this here blog. It won't hurt. I promise.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The Trip

 First of all . . . many thanks for the offers to review my stories. My latest, The Trip, will be in the offing.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

This Regards the Audiobook Version of The Bee Killer

It all started because he didn't drink the Kool-aid, he slammed it. Serving his country hadda be better than serving customers at Fred's Eat Shop. Medals and swords and uniforms would provide the ladies he desired. They'd fawn all over him and he'd get to see the world. Then the horrible specter of violence slammed his moral compass and altered his life's trajectory.

This story was written after one chance encounter, with a young man, who had returned home with a ton of questions. Nikki Delgado of London England, was cited for her expert rendition of this man's story. The author, Curt Rude, was awarded in San Francisco for his efforts on behave of those who have damaged souls. Robert Wangsness of Design by Word is thanked for his heartfelt efforts.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Oh The Times They Are . . .

a changing. Remember when politics was old school and boring? Apathy was the norm. Now ya have an Olympic Medalist, Cops and possibly soldiers allegedly storming the Capital. Our elected officials are referring to them as insurrectionists and terrorists. I suppose they were plenty scared when they had to duck into secret hiding places. They must have felt like the Red Coats when George and his motley crew got to acting up. No worries . . . the lawyers smell blood and this entire episode will be litigated until none of the accused have a pot to . . . well you know the rest of the story. Good Day!  

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Long and Short of The Matter

No issue is sacred nor written with any undue regard for the politically correct. All the good, the bad and ugliness of humanity is encountered. The 'Onion of Reality' is peeled back, layer by layer, until the why's are fully exposed. Every story is only written after being thoroughly researched. All points of view are considered and some are actually incorporated into Rude's stories. Those who would prefer soft light hearted reads, are encouraged to avoid his stories. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

How say Curt?

I love humanity for all it has been in my life. I live with too many books to ever read, have won numerous awards, am published by F.M. McCulloch and am represented by the Barone Literary Agency. Oh and did I say I'm working on two more efforts?

Tuesday, January 5, 2021


can open up the world to things like empathy and understanding. It's this fact that has resulted in my stories being written. Many of us have been confronted with the horror of our heros coming back from places that involve killing. What happens when the 'he was always such a nice boy' boy does something no nice boy would do? Right? I have did my homework long before I detailed the incident in The Bee Killer.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Here Today Gone Tomorrow

I listen before I put together one of my stories. After serving his country, one of our heros strolls into a bowling alley and opens fire. Why? What happened here? Read . . . The Bee Killer.

Humbled Cop in a Prior Life. Author currently. My writing involves the Human Animal. Murder-Mayhem and well, you get the picture...