Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What the hell . . .

Is fact stranger than fiction? Is JusThis fiction and links from my webpage fabrications? Strange world we live in. When I first encountered my first sexual escapade being perpetrated by a Chief of Police I had concluded that it must have been a strangely isolated and unfortunate event. The sex, the cover ups - yadda yadda yadda. Not so. The show goes on, and on and on!


  1. This guy sounds like the speaker of the truth - beware. He must know something about the inside of policing. I gotta read more that's for damn sure.

  2. Hi Curt, Hope your doing well . Is your book out now? Wish all the best for you and your family. Janice Morison Pike

    1. Janice, it’s a process. It’s taking me extra time because it’s all new to me. I have to tell you that I respect you big time for signing your name to my blog. I set it up so anybody can take a part in it. I was left with the impression that you’re the type who has opinions and stands by them. Thanks.

  3. Good Evening, I enjoyed the first part of the book, is it out yet, or is it available to download? I would be very interested in purchasing it in the downloaded form.

    I hope life has been going in a positive direction for you and your family!!

    Dianne Stevens

    1. Dianne, I'll keep you posted. You probably noticed it's a graphic account of human nature at it's best and worst. My family members are living their dreams. Anna teaches in Colorado, Dylan is in management with Sears/Kmart and Ashley is still in college. Pegs teaches kids and I'm - well I'm on the west coast selling books! You ever been to San Fransico? I'm hanging out in China Town having the time of my life.

  4. Mr. Rude - This is a very interesting offering, and I am looking forward to reading the entire book. I don't know you or your family, but I am interested in the story behind the story.

    1. If the madness of humanity doesn't offend - enjoy.

  5. Hi Curt,thanks for sharing.is the book out? wish you and your family all the very best.



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