Monday, July 29, 2013

The Assman Reads!

This guy has served his country bigtime in Vietnam & Iraq. Here he is on vacation reading a good book - JusThis.

#2 I had 333 contacts yesterday and can't respond to all of them . . . which is part of the reason for me putting together my thoughts on writing. Remember, first ya sit down and start writing. Start putting ideas in you head into some kind of order also known as a storyline. Next, you have to come up with characters and be true to them. By true I mean, have them do things that you'd never do. The Police Chief in JusThis is a creeper. I know that, though I'd never pull stuff that he does. Really. But I have to stick with him and have him doing his sinister deeds. Now we have Weiner in New York doing what my Police Chief did. I wonder if Weiner was inspired by my book . . . who knows? I've seen it over and over again, where dishonest cheating individuals have everything conveniently covered up for them. That's a driving force in my story, to shed light on these heinous actions so people can benefit from the story. My story wasn't just another cops and robbers deal like Sanfords Lucas Davenport. My story involves real life cops dealing with real life issues. Click this link and learn, Remember it's the truth and nothing but the truth.

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