Monday, May 21, 2018

Safer to Soldier than be a Student

29 murdered in U.S. Schools so far in 2018 . . . 13 killed in the Military. Not much to report on school murders in the Middle East. The Taliban struck and killed 141 in Pakistan a couple of years ago. Man . . . we live in a pathetic time . . . when young men can scoot into schools and kill unarmed boys and girls. Ain't no honor to be found here.


  1. Check. Your right. This sucks

  2. It is a sad time in our history when it is safer to be abroad than to be in our school; but not just in our schools, at public venues as well. We will be remembered by historians as the generation(s)that would not stand up for ourselves against big money, the generation(s) that were more consumed about "me and mine," rather then the Greater Good. We will have a sad commentary written about us. Sad, so very sad!


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