Friday, May 19, 2017

Chelsea Manning

Do Secrets Corrupt and Absolute, Cross My Heart and Hope to Die Secrets Corrupt Absolutely? Aren't better Governments, to a certain degree, based on the Freedom of the Press, the ability of sharing Thoughts and Concerns; Destination The Truth? First the Fear of Getting Sued totally silenced many followed up with this Chelsea Manning Kind of Thing. When I was writing The Boy in the Vest, many times soldiers would swear me to secrecy because of fears over what the military would do to them. Well have a good weekend and keep your mouth shut and your head down, be the lamb, not the lion, because you could be next.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Micheal Slager & Betty Shelby arent convicted but. . . then along came Officer Roy Oliver.

Oh the times they are a changing. You have pieces of The System starting to point fingers. The prosecutors are running to juries. Lets hold our breath and hope better days are in the offing. I agree with the comment below, from yesterday. Well stated. Seems like killing an unarmed kid is going to be tough for even a cop to walk away from. But never underestimate The System that protects its own.

Humanity should never become used to the death, harm or disparaged treatment of others. When we become used to the wrong doings in the world we are on the path to ruin. What we allow... we condone. Sad--- Rise up people --- advocate for those who cannot!!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

J. W. Ledford's Death Penalty

After writing Brand of Justice and becoming aware of the many problems of our Criminal Justice System I could never condone the kinda thinking went into the following comment. J. W. died along with empathy.

Good job by the great state of Georgia ! NEXT !!!!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Ya Think?

 We just touching the tip of the Problem here?

Oscar Wilde wrote, "Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future." I agree wholeheartedly with that. More that that, I believe that love for our fellow human being is not a platitude but is actually extremely meaningful, powerful, uplifting, and motivating.

Since 1989, 2,005 people have been exonerated from prison in the U.S.
Ricky is one of those exonerated – after serving nearly 40 years for a crime he didn’t commit. In 1975, a man was robbed and murdered in Ricky’s Cleveland neighborhood. Days later, armed police kicked in the door of the home where 18-year-old Ricky lived. Based on the testimony of one young boy who claimed to have witnessed the murder, Ricky and two of his friends were convicted of the crime and sentenced to death.
“To be sent to prison for something you didn’t do is so indescribable,” says Ricky now. “You have to fight every day to maintain the person that you are.” His mother told him, “Don’t them turn you into a prisoner.” She died while he was imprisoned. “I couldn’t even grieve for my mother because they had made me so callous,” Ricky laments.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Drones & Misunderstandings

Received this well thought out comment yesterday. The drone comment was submitted by a reader of this blog. My comments are always in yellow. All comments are respected. This response made me chuckle. Any ideas on the best booze happening today? 


Way back then drones were toy airplanes kids flew over their city parks and raced them for fun. Even now Drones are not really big enough to take down the World Trade Centers. I think you need to find a better brand of booze to snort.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Speak Out

Unlike  in  a  democracy  like  France , etc .. for  "20" 
years  I've  found  most  Americans  too  afraid  of 
the  U.S.  Govt s.  to .. even  speak out !  ?  Such
fear  is  a  sure  sign  of .. dictatorship .

There is certainly some fear going on. It's either the fear of getting sued or having foreign nations come after you. There is hope. Look at the folks in the comments on this blog. They are speaking out specifically against Trump. How about Clarissa Ward? The comment on the bottom is too extreme for my beliefs.

America  would  fly  out  DRONEs  and  BLOW  UP  MANDELA  (along
with  innocent  women  and  children)  similar  to  America's  hi jacked ,
anti-democracy  military  FLYING  DRONEs  INTO  The  TWIN  TOWERs ,
etc ..

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Great Comments-Keep 'Em Coming

All great comments. The question about where to get my books. They're in libraries in some cases. Smashwords has digital copies. Istore and Amazon. The Nook, Ebay, Abe Books, Bookworld. Well you get the picture. Links are on this page to your left.

Friday, May 5, 2017

The Cost of Officer Roy Oliver

Tell me. . . tell me someone. . . that I'm wrong here. Good ol' Roy is allowed to 'hit' the streets and be a part of the Balch Springs, Tx finist. Then goes off his nut in a court of law, from the stand and scares lawyers. Anger Management issues. Actions speak louder than words. It looks to me like he failed this course bigtime. Then he's disrespectful to civilians. Can't communicate verbally or in written form. Next we give him a loaded gun and send him to an underage drinking get together. Why not just put uniforms on pitbulls? It'd be cheaper. Pitbulls can't shoot. Fingers crossed on this, other mean dogs have been allowed to walk. Michael Slager anyone?

Thursday, May 4, 2017

You Never Know - You Just Never Know

I'm totally hanging out with the Kiddos and get this. . . I meet an incredible 4th Grade Author! I was totally blown away with her story, the imagery and characters. 4th Grade! What's the matter? You thought I was always on the path of truth and justice?

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Just Think-Before the cops got to killing-There was the JusThis book

Wednesdazz Read. . .

Chapter 1
The Beginning
“Star Star” (The Rolling Stones)
Chimlyn heard a pigeon, or perhaps it was a dove, cooing softly. He and his buddies had gotten together to enjoy some underage drinking, but the town cop and some deputies showed up to spoil it. Everybody had scattered, leaving all the beer and other drunken possibilities at the scene of the crime. The cops had somehow found out they had planned to party at the barn, which had put an end to everything. No puking, burping, or playing grab ass. Life could be so unfair. If he had gotten apprehended (cop lingo for busted), life would’ve been even more unfair.
Chimlyn had ditched himself under a pile of straw in the hayloft. He just couldn’t get busted. His coach would kick him off the team, and football was too important to him. It was the only reason the other kids hung out with him.
He didn’t move a muscle for what seemed like hours, and it worked. He wasn’t one of those who got dinged for consumption by a minor. He made a promise on the spot that would last one whole week: no more drinking.
He left his hiding place only when he heard the prolonged sound of silence—no “10-4” or “How many perps did ya cite?” or any other of the language the law used.
* * *

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Cop Killer

Remember when a Cop Killer was a guy who ambushed and killed a Cop? Now, sadly enough, it refers to yet another Cop gunning down an innocent kid.

The System failed Jordan Edwards and blood gushes in streets once rumored to be paved in gold.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Muslim Monsters (Warning-Disturbing-Very Disturbing)

Somethings are self-evident. If these gentlemen are beating this defenseless creature because Mohammed declared them filthy. . . well the world community has a problem. . . a big problem, on its hands.

Friday, April 28, 2017

My True Hero of the Week - Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Muslim Monsters stabbed her partner to death and have repeatedly threatened her life. She musta did something wrong-right? Well, near as I can tell, she shared an honest opinion and now some are calling for her death. For an opinion, I kid you not. Those who refuse to be silenced belong on our Heros List.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Wednesdazz Read

So here goes. You have an off-duty police officer who is involved in a fatal car vs pedestrian. The gruesome scene is what officers experiance from time to time. Then the incident is further personified when the officer realizes he knows the individual he has just struck.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Sample of JusThis for Wednesdazzz Read

a novel
by Curt Rude
If you can think it, you can say it. If you can say it, you can write it.
This excellent advice was offered to me by my loving wife.
Thus, Peggy, this work certainly must be dedicated to you.
It was a typically dreary Halloween evening, full of warning of a winter soon to arrive in all its wind-driven glory. Driving fast, perhaps too fast in the cold blowing rain, Martin felt things could be made right. A sickening thud and a shattered windshield brought him back from his obsessive thoughts.
“Christ!” he thought. “A deer? Not a kid—god, not a kid or a trick-or-treater.”
Life suddenly downshifted from fast forward to slow motion. The screeching of tires seemed to last forever.
Martin leaped from the car, unable to deny the reality of what he was seeing. His eyes pulled him toward the carnage and a gruesome spectacle, the result of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
A large, bloody mass lay in a twisted, morbid position. Ribs, blown from the chest cavity and pointing toward the cold, uncaring sky while holding the torso up in a macabre fashion, met his gaze. What seemed to be a never-ending pool of gore engulfed the scene. Thick globs of meaty paste were spattered everywhere.
Martin’s shock-numbed mind told him to check for vitals, but his police training told him that would be foolish—the reaction of the sort of untrained, stupid civilians who were the butt of cop jokes. No, this spectacle that had once been a woman, a daughter, or maybe a mother, was now a bloody puddle of steaming meat and broken bones. Without even realizing it, he had stepped on a chunk of waxy yellow fat that clung to the sole of his shoe. This pile—a former living, breathing person—was giving up its warmth to the cold, indifferent night. The skull had been split in two from the force of the impact and the eyes pointed in different directions and seemed to be observing, but not comprehending.
Martin thought about the size of the impending lawsuit, but then thought of the meat scattered all over the road. Lawsuits, meat, blood. He even thought of how the blood always reminded him of gutting a deer. Thoughts were screaming through his adrenalin-fueled mind without any real direction or order.
He must have been in shock to be thinking so wildly. Christ, what next? He was brought back to the present by a woman screaming that she had called 911.
“Do you need anything else?” she called out.
“Yeah,” he thought, “I need to get away.”
It was like that airline commercial he saw while watching games on Sundays. He needed to get a long god damned way from that mess!
Martin couldn't believe fate had put his sorry ass into such a situation. Such things were supposed to happen to other sorry-ass bastards. He wasn’t a cop just doing his job and looking for clues at the scene of a 10-54 fatal traffic accident. He’d been the driver.
Jesus Christ, it was different being the driver and not just a wise-ass cop on the scene. Oh, for Christ’s sake, he had worked thousands of accidents, but never thought it would happen to him.
He found himself thinking, “Let this be some kind of dream.”
But it wasn't, and Martin, locked in a staring contest with the woman’s dying eyes, suddenly realized that he had looked into those eyes before.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A Hawk on Muslim Policy?

So I'm asked if Imma Hawk in regards to foreign policy toward the Muslim Community. Then here I am at a mosque, and low and behold, a hawk lands on the cresent moon. Kinda makes ya wonder.

Monday, April 24, 2017

24/7 Wall Street Article & My weekly rant.

Douglas McIntyre put together an interesting article under the headline "Why Aircraft Carriers Are Hard to Sink. Check this paragraph out. Do ya see a problem? Perhaps, as a writer I am picky. Interesting, one word can make the whole thing kinda silly.

Among the most important points The National Interest makes is that carriers are part of large groups of ships, Some of these carry Aegis combat systems, which are highly sophisticated naval defense systems. These groups also include their own submarines and a number of submarine detection methods and detergents.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Police search for Georgia man who ripped hijab off Muslim girl's head while shouting 'terrorist'.

New Spring Fashion Release in The Middle East. If ya think this is funny. . . time for a Click&Learn moment. Like I say. . . it starts with respect.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Fort Collins Police Chief Hutto stands by Officers

As per yesterdays post, yes, it was big time excessive use of force. Chief stands by the 'man' in uniform who went off his nut. . . which as a professional he is paid not too. 115 pound Michaella Surat has no doubt been pummeled with charges after the body slamming. City will let it all blow over and settle quietly. Charges will be dropped. Officer Bruno will be given a medal. Everyones happy.

Folks in Fort Collins, talk to your kids, thugs done took over your Police Dept! Your daughters ain't safe on the streets of Colorado I tell ya.

Humbled Cop in a Prior Life. Author currently. My writing involves the Human Animal. Murder-Mayhem and well, you get the picture...