Sunday, December 24, 2017

. . . and the Truth Rained Down . . . Down . . . and Down

The Total Writer 
"Curt Rude captures what many run from - the truth - in this captivating story of greed, lust and ego fueled off vulnerable human emotion. Dark, yet, captivating, this fast moving book will have you on the edge of your seat."

December 15, 2012
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase

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Saturday, December 23, 2017

The Terrorist Never Sleeps

US news  Yesterday
According to FBI documents, Everitt Jameson, 26, was planning to attack the heavily crowded area on Christmas day. Jameson, a former Marine who the FBI says was radicalized and supported the Islamic State, was arrested before he could carry out his plot.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Books by Curt Rude
JusThis (2012)
4.47 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: The Dark Side of Law EnforcementThis novel is almost like a character study with some of the author’s philosophy thrown in to elaborate more fully what he is saying to the reader. Chimlyn, a hunk of a football player is considered a retard by his friends, but manages to attract ...
JusThis is a stunner. I had to read his second book, Brand of Justice, and was left wondering twice how this author delivers this material. Both stories are a must read for me and mine.
He's got another book. Brand of Justice that will keep your interest!!!! It's more subtle but plenty disturbing.
Fred S
Love the story. It had me on edge until the last page was turned and then I read it again.
Frank J
Loved the breezy style that Brand of Justice was written in. It also is the scariest book out there considering Ferguson LA and on and on. Hard hitting!!!

Judges Comments on 'The Passionate Jihadist'

There are a lot of really engrossing, full details that drive the story along. The opening vignette about Yushua and the rooster is indicative of this, and the way that bird imagery is interwoven throughout the narrative makes for a great unifying technique. Even metaphorical language is utilized effectively and visually: "The shame settled on him and lingered like mulberry stains on his fingertips" (6).

Kevin Sparrow

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Beg to Differ on Melbourne Car Incident

I suspect the driver, who is an Australian of Afghan descent, must have been at least inspired by media reports of incidents involving vehicles plowing into innocence. Remember . . . Violence begets Violence. The soon to be released book, The Passionate Jihadist, tackles this issue.

Australia police say don't suspect terrorism after car ploughs into pedestrians

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

On the Run with CBS Senior Photo Editor

Oh the people I've met since I started writing. Running around New York City with none other than Richard Boeth, Senior Editor for CBS. Richard has worked on: Ambulance, Blue Bloods, Kevin Can Wait, MacGyver, NCIS, Salvation and Scorpion. Perhaps his next credit will be The Passionate Jihadist.

Somewhere under Manhattan.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Lead Locomotive Location

Looks like the lead locomotive in the train derailment in Washington was still on the tracks ruling out terrorism. Speed seems to be the cause making the engineer very nervous I suppose.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Train Derailment in Washington

Oh how the times are a changin' as in . . . One has to consider the possibility that the train was derailed as an act of Terrorism. Sad isn't it.

Say What!

I wrote about it in JusThis. You who have read it know . . . Power and Perks run together hand in hand. Today we have Judge Kozinski implying he's innocent of charges six women are leveling at him. "I cannot be an effective judge and simultaneously fight this battle." Really? How about addressing the issue like this, 'I love watching porn and it somehow crept into the workplace and I am truly sorry it happened'. Then I noticed the accused always seem to martyr themselves, as in, "Nor would such a battle be good for my beloved federal judiciary". How about stating something like this . . . 'I have embarrassed myself as will as the position I hold and thus must resign immediately'. Perhaps George Carlin was on top of things when he told us . . . "It's all BS folks".

Monday, December 11, 2017

Book Signing in Goodyear, Arizona

We are having an After the Holiday Party. Want to sign some books?
Lots of old firefighters and the wives that put up with them. You would be a party crasher, but screw'em if they can't take a joke.

Man, I loved hearing from you Mike. For those of ya who don't know, Mike Adams, writes great stories. His books are based in the Chicago area and are written in a very engaging style. Come to think of it, one of his stories about a fire depts horse would be a great addition to any classroom. Missed you on my recent sweep across the southwest but much appreciate the invite the the book signing. Hope it goes well for you!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

City Slickers all over Again

Special thanks to all the folks in Albuquerque and the southwest who I crossed paths with. Loved getting to do honest ranch work as well as discussing books. Had a great time on the flight discussing books with a fine lady from Duluth. I also met up with a lady from near Taos who is into pottery. Great people, great time and lets hope for many more of 'em.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

The Point of JusThis

Lauren in St. Paul hoped that Keillor’s fans would learn from this that “your heroes might not be as great as they seem,” and that “it’s very obvious that there are men in power who are not very conscious of how they are towards women.”

Thursday, November 30, 2017

'The Passionate Jihadist'

On page eighteen, Yushua and the Mullah: it’s sad to see how the children are manipulated and brainwashed into believing in this all-powerful Allah. This society has created a Stockholm syndrome: The Mullah uses terror to control Yushua. And if Yushua can sympathize with the Mullah’s outlook, he is rewarded: given hope, through Allah. And believing in Allah, the hope, makes the actions of the Mullah less abrasive; there's a sliver of humanity in him. It’s a cycle of terror, and one that is extremely important capturing. In your summary, you write: “His experiences propel him into a life changing event where he alone must decide the path his future will hold.” I wonder what event or situation will be the turning point for Yushua? Will he become like the Mullah or will he like baba, sensitive and humane, a light in a place of violence.

                                                                                   Brittany Eckhardt Judge for InksandInsights 

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Power + Men = Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, Bill O'Reilly, Badge and So On

JusThis is an ugly story about an awful man consumed with his deepest, ugliest desires. Hey, I told the story long before the mighty started to fall. And - just think - some expressed thoughts that my story was not plausible. If only it was so. 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Judges & Editors Comment on 'The Passionate Jihadist'

Yushua's age shows very well throughout. He has a lot of conflicting and frustrating emotions that cause a great deal of motivated inner turmoil. The other people in his life also have solid depictions that at least clarify their roles in relation to him, if not always given a similar amount of complexity. Haji and the Mullah come across as broad villains, though that stock character does have some meaning in this narrative. Mammy and Aga have more depth in their characterization, and it is good to see Yushua matched by other characters who can be similarly interesting. Kevin Sparrow

Friday, November 17, 2017

Inks & Insights Finalist!

Words Hurt more than Sticks and Stones

Click&Hear Moment Homeland Security Official Who Blamed Slums On 'Lazy Blacks' Quits

Okay. Lets see here, on the one hand this Homeland Official, Jamie Johnson claims Muslims, not Jews, want to cut our heads off. I guess he did this while hosting a radio program from 2008 to 2016. On the other hand he made these statements prior to being appointed to his position. He has a right to Freedom of Speech but not a right to federal employment. Does anyone know, are there in fact more Muslim terrorist than Jewish? Is this a horrible opinion to harbor? Is it the Truth? I do know Muslims have contributed more than oil to the World Community (such as mathematics). Mr Johnson now claims he no longer holds these views regarding Muslims.

One thing is for certain . . . Sticks and Stones my Break my Bones but words Can also Hurt Me.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Hats Off to Highschoolers

Gotta give credit where credit is do. Podcast some of your stories so we can listen to them on our 'devices'. Well it shall be done. Your wish is my command. Stay tuned to this blog and read, no wait, listen away.

Humbled Cop in a Prior Life. Author currently. My writing involves the Human Animal. Murder-Mayhem and well, you get the picture...